Posts Tagged with "Mental disorders"

Rhetorical Questions About Mental Hospitals

March 1st, 2014 at 3:49 pm by Chered
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Wait, shouldn’t hallways in mental institutions be called psychopaths?

Be honest, if people could hear what you are thinking, you would be in a mental hospital.

Your Facebook Popularity Means Nothing

February 15th, 2014 at 1:06 pm by Anita
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Seriously, you are “so cool” if you get 143 likes when you were taking a selfie in the bathroom at a bar…? No faith in humanity.

Being Popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital.

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Having OCD Sucks

January 13th, 2014 at 4:49 pm by Mark
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Some people have OCD so badly, they have to alphabetize is as CDO.

Having OCD Sucks

Facebook a Mental Hospital?

July 31st, 2013 at 1:02 pm by Michelle
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Is Facebook as bad as Google+, where everyone’s imaginary friends are stuck going in circles as if awaiting their medication?

Mental Hospital - To All My Fellow Nuts: I just realized... We sit & stare at a screen.. We talk to ourselves.. We have imaginary friends, zoos, farms, cities & fake animals.. We cook imaginary food in imaginary bakeries.. We play bingo that gives no money.. We poke people & think it's OK.. We even write on walls.. Think about it.. Facebook is a mental hospital & we are all its patients. Hit like and feel free to share this.. I just did! Party in my ward later...


Katt Williams: Like Him or Not, He’s Still Funny

December 10th, 2012 at 5:02 pm by Mark
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Because Katt Williams is in the middle of such an obvious meltdown — hitting a fan in the face with a mic, a bizarre three-wheeled motorcycle chase, the unexpected tour cancellation, etc. — people forget that he’s usually as wise as he is funny. Perhaps we all need to remember that, as many will focus on his erratic behavior rather than the fact that he hasn’t senselessly bitch-slapped the Hell out a Target employee for at least a week.