Posts Tagged with "moonbats"

One More Reason for Moonbats to Hate Our Troops

September 5th, 2006 at 12:03 am by Mark
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     Here’s a Video for you PETA-supporting asshats (the rest of us will just think it’s funny):

     Unfortunately, the comments on Google Video were quite rude.  It came as no surprise to me that some really nasty ones came from New Zealand (3.5 Million People + 17.5 Million Sheep = Grant Gillon Comment).

     Though some people said, “What a hick!  Our tax dollars at work!” those kinda comments were most likely from Moonbats  who, as we all know, have no sense of humor.
     “Fun is childish!”  Yes, moonbats even hate Disney World!

     Say what you will, I don’t considering playing with animals to be cruel, nor that the soldier in question did anything wrong to the animal.  Looked to me like they were both having a good time, much to the amusement of bystanders.
     And on that note…

     Desert Boots : $40.
     Helmet : $65.
     Camcorder : $328.

     Getting caught headbutting a Ram and having it displayed all over the Internet : Priceless.  😉

The Problem with Protesters

September 2nd, 2006 at 11:43 am by Mark
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     Detractors of the Military, and of War, always come up with a list of reasons why so many people sign up.
     “Inbred rednecks with no future!”
     “Idiots who can’t cut it flipping burgers!”
     “Gung-ho morons who just wanna kill!”

     When I lived in DC, there was a lot of Military bashing going on. It wasn’t uncommon to some moonbat nutjob screaming, “Baby killers!” or knocking down an old lady for not taking an anti-War flyer.
     I’ve never been one to sit idly by and just “watch” that kind of thing happen.

     The overall feeling towards military in Tennessee is a hundred and eighty degrees different.  Being the “Volunteer State,” a lot of people end up signing up for Service, especially given a time of crisis or war.
     Tennesseeans usually don’t sit idly by “watch” things happen.

     It’s a mentality that we learn growing up here.  Talk to your neighbors, random people on the street.  Get involved.  Be a part of something larger than yourself.  There’s no such thing as unbeatable odds when we all work together.

     In catching up with my reading this morning (I’ve been sadly negligent in reading other blogs the last few weeks), I ran across a great article on Blackfive that kinda hit home for me…
     For all the anti-Military complaining going on, I can’t help but wonder if they’d still be running their mouths if they’d had a little bit of that Military structure and discipline.

     Maybe I could’ve used some of that, myself…

     But I’d still’ve ended up kicking that young punk’s butt for knocking down an old lady, so maybe I didn’t turn out so badly in that respect.  Or maybe I just have some respect.

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Antidisestablishmentarianist Attacks Moonbats

July 27th, 2006 at 7:15 pm by Mark
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     LR2 posted a great link today to The Best Page in the Universe.

     It’s no secret what I think of 9/11 Revisionist morons.  Faced with hard evidence and eyewitness accounts, they are stupid enough to simply ignore the fact that more than a few people saw, let’s say, a plane hit the Pentagon, for instance.
     But Maddox hit the nail on the head — with a sledgehammer, mind you.  That Glenn Beck / $100 Bill folding bit is freaking brilliant!

     As far as I’m concerned, these “Loose Change” asshats are case in point that Condoms are only 97% effective when used properly.

9/11 Revisionists, Take 2

July 13th, 2006 at 4:22 pm by Mark
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     Since I posted about the joint effort between & making it a special point to lambast the 9//11 Revisionist, Spook911, there have been several new developments.  Foremost has been the revelation that Spooked claims to be a “biomedical researcher,” which should indicate that he has some grasp of Physics and Scientific Process.
     Fortunately for us, he doesn’t. 

     On July 9th, Pinch posted some links to Spook’s first experiment.  The experiment — using a bucket, some bent wire coathangers and gasoline — intended to disprove the fact that the WTC frame was made structurally inert by a hydrocarbon fire.
     This, however, was merely a predecessor to the “better model,” which Pinch pointed out on June 28th.  This experiment — using an empty rabbit cage and kerosene — intended to prove the same.  The rabbit cage was his “better model” of the wire-frame construction of the WTC.

     Using moonbat logic, the following things come to mind:

  • In the 1987 movie Fatal Attraction, an infatuated woman boils a family pet — a rabbit.  This also resulted in an empty rabbit cage.
  • Rabbit cages usually hold rabbits, which were used to test for pregnancy from 1927 onward, thus the phrase “Rabbit test.”
  • Wire coathangers have been increasingly difficult to find since the 1981 cinematic release of Mommy Dearest.
  • Star of Fatal Attraction, Michael Douglas, married Catherine Zeta-Jones.  The movie Rabbit Test stars Joan Rivers.  Mommy Dearest was the story of an abusive mother, Joan Crawford.

     More facts:

  • Rabbits are usually stuck with needles either in injecting placental blood during a rabbit test, to sedate them prior to killing them or when injecting them with substances during Biomedical Research.
  • Wire coat hangers are often used in makeshift drug laboratories to hold buckets and beakers over flame during the production of illicit drugs due to the fact that real laboratory equipment is extremely expensive.
  • “To jones” (two Joans, and an outright Jones) is to show physical symptons due to a physical or mental dependence, i.e. “to jones for a fix.”

     Using moonbat logic and taking into account needles, wire coat hangers, buckets and “jones,” I have deduced that Spook is a methamphetamine addict.

     The evidence is right there!

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9/11 Revisionists vs. Right-Minded Individuals in 2006 BlogWar

March 1st, 2006 at 4:42 pm by Mark
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     Blogitude and Instapinch are stirring up a hornet’s nest of “tinfoil hats,” “asshats” and “moonbats.”

     Their target is the retarded weiner who wrote the 9/11 Revisionist Blog at Humint Events Online, although, now a few more idiots have entered the fray.  Pretty much, I don’t find 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists humourous in the least, so I’m happy to lend my size ten-and-a-half to any butt that needs kicking.

     When it all went down, I was in an armpit of a foreign country getting nothing but torrents of hatred and saliva directed at me by asinine Socialists in their wannabe-first-world country.  I couldn’t so much as try to get a pack of smokes without hearing crap about how I, as an American, “got what you deserved!”  Getting spit on really doesn’t do it for me.

     You put up with a bit of that, one of two things is going to happen.  In the first instance, maybe you’ll get a thicker skin and learn to ignore the morons.  In the second, you’re gonna wanna hit people.  Hit them really hard.  Then hit them again.  And maybe a few more times, for good measure.  Ask their friends if they want any.  Then stomp them.  Berate them the entire time.  Then spit on them.

     I swear, I get in more trouble trying to buy cigarettes than anyone I’ve ever known.