Posts Tagged with "puns"

Happy New Year 2015!

January 1st, 2015 at 12:00 am by Mark
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Tonight, we celebrate the passing of a year. To some, it seems like forever. To others, it seems like no time at all.

For those still with us, we celebrate. For those no longer with us, we lament.

I wish you all safety and abundance.

Happy New Year.

Resolutions? My only resolution is 1920×1028.

My New Year's Resolution is 5760x1080

Were They Trying to be Funny?

March 18th, 2014 at 3:41 pm by Chered
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Not the kind of “Blowout” they intended, but there wasn’t a sale price for the “Special,” either.

Blowout Specials: Discounted ExLax

Stock Photos

A Diabolical Plan

February 19th, 2014 at 5:16 pm by Mark
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They must’ve really thought outside the box for this one…

Our plan is so diaboloical, I can barely contain myself.