Posts Tagged with "star wars"

Mixing Themes: Star Wars & Rappers

January 16th, 2014 at 5:07 pm by Mark
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2pacca didn’t choose the fuzz life — the fuzz life chose him.

Fuzzlife: 2pacca

It’s Good to Have Dreams & Ambitions

January 16th, 2014 at 3:20 pm by Mark
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When we were younger, we were told we could be anything we wanted to be.

I wanted to be an Astronaut: I ended up working on a NASA project in the 90’s. I wanted to be Indiana Jones: I ended up standing in the ruins of some of the oldest temples and cities in the world. I wanted to be rich: I’ve made a few fortunes, and they’re fleeting, but the experiences I’ve had and friends I’ve gained along the way have made me rich beyond belief.

One of my cousins? He wanted be a firetruck. Or a dinosaur. Tough luck, dude.

C3P0 with Iron Man Paint Job: "We All Have Dreams"

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Stormtroopers: They Always Shoot First

January 5th, 2014 at 5:51 pm by Mark
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Shoot first, and ask questions later seems to be the trend of the average Stormtrooper. That must lead to real letdowns…

Stormtrooper: "I always shoot first!"  To his girlfriend's dismay...

You’ll Definitely Never Be Darth Vader Cool

January 4th, 2014 at 5:43 pm by Mark
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Just in case you were as cool as Liam Neeson — it happens sometimes — know that you’ll still never be as cool as Darth Vader.

You Can Be Cool, But You'll Never Be, "Epic Song Starts Playing Every Time You Enter the Room" Cool

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Honesty Not a Jedi Strong Point

December 28th, 2013 at 5:04 pm by Mark
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While we could always use a, “The end justifies the means,” mentality, some things just really screwed up the story line for the original Star Wars trilogy…

"Dath Vader... Now that's a name I have heard since I threw your dad into a volcano and cut off his legs."