Posts Tagged with "susan-shelley"

The Essence of Being Sentimental

January 11th, 2010 at 7:15 am by Zacque
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There is something about staying up all night.  I don’t know if it all the creativity that to keeps you up or the thoughts that run through your head.  In this case I would say it was a little of both.

While I was patiently waiting the 6:30 a.m. tic to toc on the clock, I was diligently working on a piece of design soon to be seen.  The tedious monotony of tutorials and code are such sweet company on an early Monday morning, after all code is poetry.  I also managed to finish building my handout for today’s Introductory Computer Class at the Halls Senior Center.  Not much else was going through my head at the time.

It all changed as I began to cook at the turn of six.  I began to reminisce how my Mammaw and Pappaw must have done the same things day in and day out as they prepared breakfast for all of the boys in the painting crew.  God I miss that breakfast… To this day I can’t make white gravy that is anywhere close to that.  Moreover, the main thing I miss of that is the camaraderie, that my quiet breakfasts, with my wife or couple of friends, just aren’t the same. The atmosphere just can’t be replicated. I have fond memories of eating my portion and part of my uncle’s within a period of two or so hours.  Those were the days… just waking up to food prepared to eat as soon as your feet hit the floor.

That reminder quickly moved to a scene in Sam’s Restaurant and Deli for more breakfast than the average human should eat in one sitting.  Again, it was more the camaraderie than the food although it is excellent as well.  Heck, Mark and I would order one of the specials our friend would most likely order the Western Omelet. We would drink out fair share of coffee and smoke. Yes, I said smoke. You see that was prior to the unrealistic and unforgiving anti-tobacco lobby ruined that pastime for those of us who have no wish to kill the ignorant people we encountered during a day.

So, it is with that I leave you to go puff on bowl of tobacco and reminisce something else positive.  After all around 1964 the surgeon general determined pipe smoker’s outlive non-smokers and are relatively innocent of causing lung cancer.

Happy Birthday

December 2nd, 2009 at 7:05 pm by Mark
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     Happy Birthday, Susan.


     Can’t say it better than I did last year… Only now… even more is missing.

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Happy Birthday

December 2nd, 2008 at 2:18 am by Mark
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     Happy Birthday, Susan.


     You taught us to enjoy life, live every day like it was our last.

     Sorry I forgot how.

     It’s just not the same when those you love aren’t around…

A Mini-Memorial

May 21st, 2007 at 12:14 pm by Mark
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     Because it was exactly three months ago …

     And everyone who knew her will know exactly who this is …

     ( I close my eyes, remember her, and die laughing — that’s the way it should be *grin* )

     Cheers, babe.  Miss ya.

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24-Bar Break – Farewell, My Friend

February 23rd, 2007 at 1:47 pm by Diva
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Rest in Peace

Girl, I think we are all so numb right now that this really happened. Your smile, you laugh, your 24 bar breaks, your 1/2 sweet 1/2 unsweet tea, your friendship…

You know though, I wouldn’t have taken one cent for the year I have been able to say that you are my friend. Every smile, every hug, every time I ran from your camera. Girl we all made some awesome memories together. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We all found each other when we all needed something. God gave us each other and though you’re gone, you’re really still here with each one of us.


The Wicked Wench's Eye is Upon You!