Posts Tagged with "voting"

2008 Primaries: Apparently, the Choice is Queer

February 4th, 2008 at 9:48 pm by Mark
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Our 2008 Candy-dates

(Where Bright Red = “Oh, HELL no!” and Bright Green = “For shizzle”)

     Note there are no bright greens. 

     ’nuff said.

Note: Adapted from MSNBC’s Candidates vs. Issues Matrix

It’s That Time Again

September 5th, 2007 at 11:25 am by Zacque
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No, sorry, it’s not the wonderful monthly rush of gore and blood. Which is carefully infused through an almost cancerous cavern of what once was love, but it’s close.

Welcome to the world of complete insanity.  It’s almost time for the Presidential Election again.

Can you hear the mindless abundance of worthless propaganda trying to convince you to vote for one schmuck or another?

The Presidency is the highest public office in this country.  With that in mind why are: Hillary Clinton, Borat O’Bama, err… sorry Barack Hussien Obama, John McCain, Fred Thompson, and so many others trying to attain this honor?

With the exception of greed, I don’t think any of them have the mindset to put our country first.  Where is a candidate who will put the country above his or her own personal desires? 

This is derived from a breakdown in overall morality and common decency.  Simply stated “To much @#$%!!! compromise!”  Poor decisions compounded upon one another to spread the radical ideas of one zealot.  One idiot after another who tries to taint the soup so much it sours while cooking.  The current President may not have been the greatest, but I’d put money on the fact he’d do better than any of his competition.  Not like we could give them a chance anyhow, nor would we want to. 

With this in mind on this Election Day, I will stay home.  At least when I am done posturing myself about I will have something to show for it.

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Political Promises

May 27th, 2007 at 6:29 pm by Zacque
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Pail and ShovelIn honor of the weeks to come I would like to offer a throwback to the days of yore, a visit to a political party that makes sense.  Well, okay, at least the didn’t go back on their promises.  The party I am talking about you ask?  Why its only the two term Pail and Shovel Party hailing from Madison, Wisconsin.

This party single handedly did away with the bickering of the Student Government about how much funding each group got by converting the entire budget into pennies.  They also brought Lady Liberty to Lake Mendota

So in the upcoming elections I would be on the look out for someone who at least comes through on their promises… I give my vote to Pail and Shovel.

Voting Shouldn’t Be Rewarded

November 7th, 2006 at 2:35 pm by Mark
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     From several sources, I heard about some educators giving extra credit for students who went out and voted.  I cannot understand why anyone would be so shallow, especially given their position as educators.  To me, it makes a farce of the entire process.
     The fact that we can vote, that we can have our say in electing our government, is one of our core Freedoms in this country.
     Regardless of the outcome of an election, voting is the reward!


     Another thing that’s getting on my nerves are these people who can go on and on about how things are being done, how things are running, how they could do better.
     “And did you vote?” I’d ask.
     “Then shut the Hell up.  Voting is what ensures our right to representation, so you gave up your right to complain when you didn’t take five minutes to go cast your ballot.”


     I’ve never been one for party politics, always voting for individual candidates and their stances on issues rather than taking a party-stance and voting down one side or the other.  But this go-round, the choice was clear.  One side had issues and resolutions, and the other side had nothing to do but bitch and complain.
     It was too fitting, as I left the polling area, to hear the “Emperor’s March” theme from Star Wars, and the voice of Vader saying, “Your journey to the Dark Side is now complete!”

     I was definitely relieved when I finally saw that the guy next to me was carrying a portable DVD player…
