Posts Tagged with "walmart"

Sam’s Club Proves Higher Quality Than WalMart

May 28th, 2013 at 5:29 pm by Mark
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Despite being owned by the same company, Sam’s Club consistently displays higher standards than their WalMart stores, even when it comes to “weird” clientele…

People of Sam's Club: Guy With an Alligator

What’s the Cheesiest Tattoo You’ve Ever Seen?

May 18th, 2013 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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This is not the cheesiest tattoo I’ve ever seen, simply because I’ve seen one depicting Kraft’s Velveeta Shells & Cheese on someone at a WalMart in Virgina.

Kraft Dinner, The Origina, Macaroni and Cheese Tattoo.


How to Make Your WalMart Experience Enjoyable

May 10th, 2013 at 5:10 pm by Mark
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If it was poker, I’d see your pregnant-with-a-tramp-stamp and raise you a homeless-man-in-a-tartan-skirt-and-heels. Yes, the heels are tartan, too…

Walmart Bingo

Note: Hat tip to Anita, via the Pinternet.

Home Improvement Supplies Suck at WalMart

March 30th, 2013 at 5:25 pm by Mark
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While the Home Improvement guys are busy trying to figure out how to fix their sign, one of the salespeople in Electronics is wondering where he can get a new cell phone…

WalMart "Fasteners" Aisle Sign Needs ... Fasteners


Stock Photos

New Candles at WalMart?

March 18th, 2013 at 5:34 pm by Mark
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I think these candles at WalMart might be new, but I’m not really sure…

WalMart Candles: NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW!