Posts Tagged with "zombies"

Laughter Important During Zombie Apocalypse

January 19th, 2014 at 7:09 pm by Mark
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Scientists have shown that parts of the Limbic System — a system in the brain that’s critical for our emotions, behavior, motivations, long-term memory, and sense of smell — are stimulated by laughter. This makes laughter a highly important survival skill.

Twitter Caleb Wilde @CalebWilde: "As a mortician, I always tie the shoelaces together of the dead. Cause if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, it will be hilarious."

Colin Mochrie on Zombies

January 19th, 2014 at 5:09 pm by Mark
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For lack of The Walking Dead on a Sunday, I’m trying to imagine what face Ryan Stiles would make after hearing this most excellent question…

Twitter Colin Mochrie @colingmochrie: "How is it that when you are dead and a zombie you can rip open a man's ribcage, but when you are alive you struggle with a bag of chips?"

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Why the Pink Flamingo Lawn Ornament Actually Died

July 19th, 2013 at 5:28 pm by Mark
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When Union Products, Inc. stopped producing Pink Flamingo lawn ornaments in 2006, everyone assumed this was the end of the Pink Flamingo. Cado Manufacturing, having owned the rights to produce the Pink Flamingo since 2010, has still faced many challenges in manufacturing and sales, not to mention problems with Zombie Garden Gnomes…

Zombie Garden Gnomes Kill Pink Flamingo

Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead

November 4th, 2012 at 5:06 pm by Mark
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Still, a better love story than Twilight…

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Kittens in Pinup Poses

November 3rd, 2012 at 12:11 pm by Mark
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Always funny, until you get one from the sick, Zombie-obsessed guy next door…