Quitting the Cancer Stick

August 19th, 2009 at 1:23 pm by Zacque
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I am not anxious.



I am sped up, ready to take over the world in a matter of minutes.

I am the wanton lover you always wanted, the man who can make you hot and heavy in a matter of seconds.

Ready to sell you into a business deal you don’t want to walk away from.

I am the experienced space monkey, shot into space, now on the return trip.

I am Zachary Hitchcock and I have just quit the cancer stick.

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3 Responses to “Quitting the Cancer Stick”

  1. southernspeak4-t/Chrys Says:

    Well…yay? lol.

    Aww, poor Zacque, trying to quit smoking and everyone’s too busy to pat you on the back for it, so here ya go: ” Yaayyyyyyy, you GO Zacque Hitchcock!” lol

    Although I have to say, your post made me want a cigarette.

    Unfortunately, I think I’ve now George Costanza-ed eating, sex, and smoking all into the same stress-relieving urge – I can’t have one without the other.

    Good luck!

  2. Zacque Says:

    Thanks… I think… Sitting at this coffee shop is not helping.

  3. southernspeak4t/Chrys Says:

    Lol, I just meant that for whatever reason, when I watch those ads to quit smoking, I start thinking…“Gee, I wasn’t thinking about a cigarette – but NOW I am.” lol. They tend to have the opposite effect, especially if stressed.

    You can do this – it’s about finding a replacement though, methinks; as well as behavior modification.

    If you’re used to smoking after you eat or other um…”activities”…gotta find something to replace that behavior with that won’t make you gain weight, ruin your teeth, or addict you to something else that’s just as unhealthy – which is why it’s so tough to quit.

    I talk a good game, but I have yet to quit myself. Gotta get a regular exercise routine going first so I won’t gain weight.

    Take care,
