Posts Tagged with "advertising"

The Season of Giving Begins at Target

October 14th, 2016 at 5:15 pm by Mike
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Since going to the bathroom to pick up guys wasn’t such a good plan for Target, perhaps their new advertising campaign is a little more compelling…

Target Ad: "The Perfect Gift - Head starting at $9.99"

Walmart’s Fake Advertising

March 15th, 2015 at 5:52 pm by Mark
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What annoys me more at Walmart these days is that all the self-checkout and express lanes are closed…

Walmart: I know this pic is fake cause there's a person at each register line


Most Depressing Super Bowl Ads Ever

February 1st, 2015 at 10:48 pm by Mark
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Honestly, this year’s ads were not only lackluster, most of them were downright depressing. If it weren’t for Coca Cola, McDonald’s and Doritos lightening the mood, who knows what would have happened…

If Sarah McLachlan emptied a full clip at point blank range into a sick puppy it would be the most lighthearted superbowl ad so far.

A Tip to Advertising Companies

March 1st, 2014 at 1:35 pm by Anita
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We’ve seen one blade, two blades, three blades, four blades, and even five blades. Not one time have we ever seen any hair being removed.

Dear Shaving Commercials: Stop Shaving Harless Legs. If You Want to Impress, Please Shave a Gorilla


Sexism in Underwear Advertising?

February 4th, 2014 at 1:55 pm by Anita
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This may come down to a simple Advertising fact: men will look at scantily clad women, and women will look at scantily clad women.

How Women's Underwear is Advertised: (scantily clad women)  How Men's Underwear is Advertised: (Fruit of the Loom guys)