Posts Tagged with "art"

Photo Mosaics

November 22nd, 2007 at 6:58 am by Zacque
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For a while I thought creating a photo mosaic was sort of a lost art.  That is until a friend of mine called me up and asked me, “So what you know about software that build these things?”  So for the last few days, I have been very diligently testing software that will create photo mosaics.  The problem is fitting it into my criteria it must be inexpensive and easy to use.

Running in the top of my poll is a piece called, Mazaika 3.0.

Mark Mosaic


November 16th, 2007 at 12:20 pm by Mark
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     Just say “No!” to hotlinking.  It’s a bad habit.

     This has been our hotlinking image for a long, long time:

     Nobody wants to see that, now do they? 

     Rob Ullman over at Atom Bomb Bikini, after being contracted to caricature the campaigning Clinton, quickly crafted this bit of cartoony goodness:

Robert Ullman’s Hillary

     [ Side Note: How’s that for aliteration, Sam?  I feel empowered! ]

     Why, seeing Photo vs. Caricature, it’s rather clear where the inspiration came from, isn’t it? 😉

Tip: Doug @ Reality Me!

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

It’s All in Your Dirty Mind

October 5th, 2007 at 11:13 am by Mark
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     Back in the day, I was rather artistic — literature, art and music for the most part — but somewhere along the line, I realized that my form of Literature wasn’t for the masses.  The Art that I created could be sold or not based simply on how I named it.  My Music was destined to be devoured by greedy, leg-breaking asshats who’d make it unaffordable.  There was always a business angle to discourage me.

     A bit of cartooning proved to be humorous, but not socially acceptable.  Back in high school, my Art teacher looked upon those doodles with great disdain.  She’d often ban me from the class because she knew what I was going to draw before I’d finished the first few strokes.
     “I won’t have that filth in my classroom!” she’d scream.
     “It’s not filth, it’s…”
     “Get out, get out, GET OUT!”
     No amount of explaining could convince her otherwise.

     While it turned me away from Art for some time, it was all for the good.  Ingenuity became the outlet for my creativity, and I avoided the life of a starving artist.
     Besides, I still have the odd spurt of creativity that I can do something cool with.  *grin*

     So, Mrs. Cooper, this video’s for you.  😉

Tip: Bluepaintred – I’ll get back to my regular reads soon enough