Posts Tagged with "Beer"

Why Guys Don’t Party with Keifer Sutherland

July 21st, 2010 at 6:00 pm by Mark
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Although, up to 10% of men may not actually mind…

(This should have been a “Caption This” – ROFL ~ Paul)

Keifer Sutherland drops his pants while having a beer

Independence Day 2010

July 4th, 2010 at 3:30 pm by Mark
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      A few facts about Independence Day:

  • The Continental Congress unanimously voted for Independence from England on July 2nd, 1776.
  • Most everyone remembers that John Hancock was the first person to sign the Declaration, given his large signature at the bottom.  Most have forgotten that he was the President of the Continental Congress.
  • The written Declaration of Independence is dated July 4th, 1776, however, that “final” Declaration wasn’t actually signed until August 2nd, 1776 in Philadelphia, PA, thanks in no small part to staunch opposition of Independence by the New York colony (who favored reconciliation).
  • Five delegates signed after the August 2nd, 1776 party.  These included Elbridge Gerry, Oliver Wolcott, Lewis Morris, Matthew Thornton and Thomas McKean.
  • The official, printed copies approved by the Continental Congress omitted the signature Delaware’s Thomas McKean — being the last to sign, well after August 2nd, 1776.   Some early “final” copies show the number of signing delegates at 55 instead of 56.
  • Four Continental Congress delegates opposed Independence (tho their States approved) and never signed:  George Clinton (New York), Robert R. Livingston (New York), Thomas Willing (Pennsylvania), and John Dickinson (Delaware).
  • The American Revolutionary War ended with the signing of Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783.  That’s when we actually gained our Independence.
  • Thomas Jeffersion and John Adams, considered two of the three writers of the Declaration of Independence (along with Ben Franklin), both coincidentally died on July 4th, 1826 — the 50th anniversary of the final draft of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Despite being adopted as a Federal Holiday by Congress in 1870, it took until 1938 for Congress to declare Independence Day a Paid Federal Holiday.

     History notes over.  Happy Indepedence Day! You can now return to your family, friends, fireworks, barbecue and beer.  😉

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Epic Fail of the Day

April 10th, 2010 at 11:00 pm by Mark
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In my experience, it’s always easier pulling it out than putting it in. This moment, however, was brought to you by none other than… beer.

UK Citizens Get Fucking Hell from Austria

March 31st, 2010 at 12:00 pm by Mark
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Today’s lesson in European geography begins with the town of Fucking in Austria. It’s located around 50km north of Salzburg, and as you can see by the map below, there are four Fucking Roads to get there:

Address: Fucking, 5121 Tarsdorf, Austria

Fucking residents have been constantly annoyed by British tourists stealing their Fucking signs. But March 31st, 2010 is an amazing day for Fucking. It appears that one Fucking beer company has managed to pass all legal hurdles to begin sending Fucking Hell to England. As Independent author Tony Paterson points out:

The German brand name’s owners point out that the German word “Hell” means “light” when used in conjunction with beer. But they may have underestimated the likely effects of the brand name in Britain where vexed bar staff could soon be facing orders along the lines of: “A pint of Fucking, half a Fucking shandy and a packet of cheese and onion please.”

But as for the widepread availability of this rather controversial product in the United Kingdom, I will certainly give three cheers for Fucking as I raise a bit of Hell.

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Umm, Yeah, You Missed

March 30th, 2010 at 8:00 pm by Mark
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I suppose it never occurred that chugging a large quantity of beer from a plastic baseball bat might’ve been a bad idea.