Posts Tagged with "dailyshite"

Romantic Kiss Fail?

May 30th, 2011 at 1:01 pm by Mark
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Perhaps … but the bigger Fail is that someone actually took the photo.

Romantic Kiss Fail



April 11th, 2011 at 1:00 pm by Mark
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Even Snoop Puppy-Dogg isn’t safe in this recession.

Craigslist - I will walk your dog

Source: Yep, it’s really Craigslist.


Photoshop: Ruining Photography Since 1990

March 22nd, 2011 at 4:00 am by Mark
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In the last twenty years, digital photo enhancement and computer-generated imagery have become so mainstream that many prolific photographers go completely unrecognized.  Today, falsified images can be made by even a novice user, but when combined with the skill and distribution capabilty of mass media outlets, images can be — and have been — used for everything from garnering brand advertising revenues to swaying political campaigns. People now have the instant expectation that the majority of the images we see are digitally retouched, disproving the old adage, “the camera never lies.”  It is no wonder, given this bombardment of visual manipulation, that the general public is becoming so disillusioned by facts, amused by scandal and less likely to be shocked at the images that we see.

Although there are some who might claim that it is actually enhancing! 😉

Photoshop: You know what to do.

Probably Bad News: “It Was For the Bride, I Swear!”

March 3rd, 2011 at 12:00 pm by Mark
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Unfortunately, given the sub-line, I think I could make at least one disturbing guess… and at least another that’s absolutely disgusting.

Best Man Left Bleeding After Being Hit in Head by Flying Dildo

Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!

Roommate Advice 101

February 27th, 2011 at 6:00 pm by Mark
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In any sort of relationship where two adults must live in close proximity, there are certain things each much be considerate of. While personal hygeine is certainly important, it doesn’t trump the fact that cleaning up after yourself can sometimes be even more important…

Clean Up Your Pubes