Posts Tagged with "cars"

If You Love It, Lube It

July 24th, 2013 at 5:58 pm by Mark
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In addition to being good preventive maintenance for your automobile, this is also sage advice for young married couples…

Pro Lube Sign: "If you love it, lube it. Make it last."

You Never Know What You’ll Get on Craigslist

July 11th, 2013 at 5:09 pm by Mark
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I was looking for a car once, and told the woman I was calling about the ad. She gave me her address, and when I showed up, she said, “Just remember, no biting or hitting, and you have to use a condom.” Apparently, she was selling more than just a Lumina on Craigslist…

"Hi, this is Randy. I saw your penis for sale on Craigslist. Is it still available? If so I would like to come take it for a test drive tonight sometime."  "Hi Randy, im selling a prius. Is that what you meant?"  "YES!!! Apologies new phone"  "Well it's craigslist. You never know."

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Nobody Likes Repairing an Audi…

June 13th, 2013 at 5:11 pm by Mark
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The last time I had to work on an MF Audi, the MF small, plastic valve cost MF $360, and an hour of my time trying to get the MF clamps off of the MF hoses — and it still didn’t MF fix the problem. But these MF’s fix MF Audis, and, to sweeten the deal, if you buy a MF car from them, they give you a MF FREE TATTOO from one of Knoxville’s most prestigious MF tattoo parlors. That’s just MF crazy…

"VW or Audi Warranty Expired?" Profane Advertising: Interesting. I said the same thing the last time I had to work on an Audi...

Saw a Funny Thing on the Way Home Today…

April 10th, 2013 at 5:37 pm by Mark
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I understand that repairing a vehicle can be a very large, expensive hassle. At some point, in the interest of the safety other drivers, you have to bite the bullet and scrap the damn thing. Duct tape simply isn’t effective at 85F and that’s why is useful to have insurance, of course many insurance companies ask for evidence, and that’s why dash cameras are really useful for this purpose. Given that this Kentucky vehicle was seen in Tennessee, the old joke goes, “If Kentucky didn’t suck so much, Tennessee would fall down and crush Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.”

Shower Curtain: $8 Silver Duct Tape: $3 Black Duct Tape: $5 Trailer Underpinning: $50 The realization that you’ve transformed an expensive SUV into a typical Kentucky mobile home? Priceless.

Stock Photos

One Van’s Opinion of Starbucks

December 1st, 2012 at 5:57 pm by Mark
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Strangely enough, I agree…