Posts Tagged with "catmouflage"

Impressive Camouflage

April 25th, 2013 at 5:58 pm by Mark
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Camouflage? Catmouflage…

Day 11: The Dog Still Thinks I'm Fur

Check Out This Pussy in Knoxville

March 31st, 2007 at 1:27 am by Mark
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     Ok, is this “pussy” thing getting old yet?

     Everyone’s probably seen these sorts of things before, but this one’s an ode to a great site,, the canonical list of LOLCATS and other animals who are “IN UR COMPUTER STEALIN’ UR INTERNETS!”  It’s also to draw attention to the fact that some asshat decided to steal some of those photos and sell them as Merchandise over on Cafepress… pathetic… good thing they shut him down.

     Anyway … I gotta say it one last time …

     Check out this pussy …


     Yes, I took the photo last year, and just finished messing it up.  So there.  Mine.  Mine!  😉
