Posts Tagged with "clever"

Was That a Fail or a Snappy Comeback?

May 11th, 2013 at 5:06 pm by Mark
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Facebook constantly reminds me of what a fine line there is between Clever and Stupid…

Facebook User 1: "I see your garbage. :D <3"  "Facebook User 2: "You're *"  Not Sure if Fail Grammar Nazi or Clever Troll

My Problem with those Damned Vampires

November 1st, 2010 at 9:00 pm by Mark
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The biggest problem with those freakin’ vampires is that they’re always tryin’ to be so damned clever!

That said, if Garlic kept away Sarcasm like it did clever Vampires, I’d probably be the most boring, humourless tool on the face of the planet. Me, I always end up with the stupid ones…

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