June 1st, 2012 at 5:54 pm by Mark
Tags: animals, cougar, humor, hunting
Sometimes, you hunt the cougar. Other times, the cougar hunts you, looks like someone didn’t have the best airsoft gun. Here’s a saying I came up with to remind me of an animal’s terrific senses. “The sound of a snapped twig is quickly forgotten by the hunter, but long remembered by the quarry.” If you make an unusually loud noise, stop and stand there as long as you can if you suspect animals are close by. A deer might stand a long time and stare in your direction. If it doesn’t see or smell you, it might go back to feeding or whatever else it was doing before it was disturbed.

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January 26th, 2012 at 6:41 pm by Mark
Tags: california, cougar, liberal, media, politically correct, sarcasm, school, women
We’re used to people being at the ridiculous end of Politically Correct when we hear “California.” But in Utah last week, the Canyons School District decided to overturn a vote for the new Draper High School’s mascot because the word “may be offensive to some women.” Other news reports are more specific, saying the word “might be seen as offensive to middle-aged women.”
Yes, Cougars.
If subsequent reports are correct, Draper, Utah must be full of sexually aggressive, middle-aged women seeking relationships with men up to the age of 24.
Amusingly, Brigham Young University’s mascot is the Cougar. When considering the Mormonism & Polygamy bit, I suppose the BYU Sugar Daddies might’ve been more appropriate.

Sources: Salt Lake City’s Fox 13, Yahoo! Sports
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