Posts Tagged with "facebook"

Like/Comment/Ignore on Facebook?

April 24th, 2013 at 5:42 pm by Mark
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All of these, “Like to Agree, Comment to Disagree and Ignore to Show No Support,” memes on Facebook are really annoying. I guess I’m just old fashioned thinking “Like” means I actually Like something, Comment means actually commenting on something and if I don’t do anything it all, it’s simply because I didn’t make a choice to do either of the other two…

Facebook: "Like and share if..." Grumpy Cat: "NO."  Facebook: "If you don't share this..." Grumpy Cat: "No."  Facebook: "If you have a heart, you will..." Grumpy Cat: "No."

Enough Duckface, Already!

April 17th, 2013 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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For those who make Duckface photos, prepare to be shamed, because what can be seen cannot be unseen.

The Future: An inspecific amount of time beyond now when one remembers this photo while taking a duckface photo in the bathroom with their phone and feels stupid.


Facebook Status Hack? Check. Phone Prank? Check.

March 10th, 2013 at 1:42 pm by Mark
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This is the perfect time to perform the otherwise useless skill of yelling, “Dude! She called you a scruffy-looking nerf-herder!” in Shyriiwook.

I gained access to my friend's Facebook account. This was the only logical thing to do. Status: "I'm giving 10 bucks to the person who calls me with the best Chewbacca impression within the next 20 minutes. I expect the line will be busy, so don't linger when you call."

Facebook Photos Horrible for Missing Persons

February 19th, 2013 at 12:27 pm by Michelle
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Even if the photos aren’t edited, you’d be under the impression that the average missing person will be making a duckface when located.

She Ratchet: "stop editing ya'lls pics. what if you go missing? how you expect us to find you if you look lik beyonce on facebook & chief keef in person?"

Stock Photos

Trolling Win: The Glass of Water Trick

February 9th, 2013 at 5:54 pm by Mark
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Sometimes, you get to troll a perfect audience…

Caption: "Have fun cleaning this up :) Love you --- Daddy x x"  Ricky: "how is this possible?"  Poster: "Fill it up completely then flip it over and wipe up the water that spilled..."  Ricky: "thank you now im off to troll peeps"