Posts Tagged with "funny signs"

The Best Part About Christmas Shopping

December 15th, 2012 at 7:45 pm by Mark
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Rude behavior, poor driving skills, parking, mobs of people and pathetic customer service are but a few things I hate about shopping during the Christmas season. But on the bright side, given that everyone and their next-door-neighbor’s uncle’s best friend’s sarcastic cousin are parked in front of any given store at any given time, you can always have a laugh reading the bumper and window stickers on their cars…

Fuck It

What Do the Chinese Think About the iPhone 5?

December 13th, 2012 at 5:03 pm by Mark
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Despite being manufactured in China, the iPhone 5 hasn’t been well received amongst Chinese…

Apple iPhone 5: Because You Have More Money Than Sense

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Strange Smelling DVD?

December 6th, 2012 at 7:59 pm by Mark
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Even according to the Amazon reviewer known only as, “Jimmy”:

Worked like a charm, but as soon as I opened it it had an above averagely odd smell. I mean, most DVDs smell weird. But THIS one. Woah. They should really put a warning on this thing.

Coordination Group Publications, Ltd. (UK) seems to have an issue with their MathsTutor: GCSE Maths Tutorials DVD-ROM, Higher Level DVD

Jimmy might also want to try the English tutorial after making up a word like, “averagely.”

One Van’s Opinion of Starbucks

December 1st, 2012 at 5:57 pm by Mark
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Strangely enough, I agree…

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Sarcastic Door Signs

November 27th, 2012 at 7:52 pm by Mark

From choosing choosing best digital menus by Enplug to making your own signs for your business, you still need to make sure your messages are clear and memorable. Today, I wanted to share a few images of sarcastic signs I have seen throughout the week. Let me know what you think!