March 7th, 2007 at 12:23 pm by Mark
Tags: bugs, developers, google, php, plugins, seo, software, wordpress
Arne Brachnold’s Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress is a pretty neat piece of software that’ll build a Google-style XML-Sitemap, and ping Google with it every time you update your blog.
Good stuff for SEO, good stuff for making sure Google has your site indexed.
After setting up a few blogs with the latest, I found a caveat that just annoyed me to death: you’re in the Admin, but when you manually update the sitemap, it comes back with a blank page. Sure, I know how to work around it, but they guys I’m setting this stuff up for get all huffy about it.
Pretty quick bug to figure out. There’s even a nice ticket on Trac (Ticket 604) that I’m unable to post this solution to…
Line 2463 of sitemap.php is:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”list-manipulation.js” mce_src=”list-manipulation.js”></script>
Of course, that doesn’t exist, but if we change it to:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”../wp-includes/js/list-manipulation-js.php” mce_src=”../wp-includes/js/list-manipulation-js.php”></script>
…then all is right and good with the world.
Hopefully, Arne’ll drop this in his next release — and be able to close Ticket 604 on Trac. 😉
[Ed. Note: The text of this article refers to “the latest” WordPress (2.1.x) and version of the plugin for it (3.0xxx).]
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November 2nd, 2006 at 2:00 am by Mark
Tags: google, humor, search, seo
A couple of times a week, I check out the statistics on this site … the number of visitor sessions, number of pages they viewed, referrers, and, of course, search engine search terms that brought people here.
I can understand getting a lot of hits for some of the things we’ve written about on here over the years. Sure, Bai Ling, Femtroopers, Antidisestablishmentarians, psychos and even ex-girlfriends, you know… the usual fodder.
Still, one of the most commonly used search terms — to the tune of several thousand a week in different variations — are graphic terms for bestiality with sheep, which amusingly end up at the old article about Grant Gillon.
Sometimes, however, I get really weird search terms, that multiple people have searched for… Like the fourty-three sessions:
why do rottweilers bit womens breasts
Sure enough, there we are on Google’s #15. That’s just crazy!
Then there’re these twenty-four sessions…
personal ads rottweiler daughter private investigator
Even higher, we’re at Google’s #3. Who knew?
And thirteen gems like this:
what percent of women think their house is haunted
Yeah, we get Google’s #8 on that search.
Really, it blows my mind sometimes.
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January 9th, 2006 at 11:25 am by Sam
Tags: blogitude, google, humor, photos, terrorism
Proof is in the picture —- and bear in mind, this is absolutely NOT retouched! This is the actual ad shown on the Google AdSense section of this very page on January 9th, 2006 at 11:15AM EST!

Man! Who knew? I’ll bet all those Al-Queda who went to Afghanistan to get their Terrorism Certificates really feel stupid now.
Remember, you heard it here first!
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