Posts Tagged with "search"

Your Mom: Rule 34?

May 9th, 2012 at 5:31 pm by Mark
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Google Search Suggestion – Win or Fail?

August 9th, 2010 at 1:00 pm by Mark
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I wonder if Safe Search was enabled?


Search Engine Craziness

November 2nd, 2006 at 2:00 am by Mark
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     A couple of times a week, I check out the statistics on this site … the number of visitor sessions, number of pages they viewed, referrers, and, of course, search engine search terms that brought people here.

     I can understand getting a lot of hits for some of the things we’ve written about on here over the years.  Sure, Bai Ling, Femtroopers, Antidisestablishmentarians, psychos and even ex-girlfriends, you know… the usual fodder.
     Still, one of the most commonly used search terms — to the tune of several thousand a week in different variations — are graphic terms for bestiality with sheep, which amusingly end up at the old article about Grant Gillon

     Sometimes, however, I get really weird search terms, that multiple people have searched for… Like the fourty-three sessions:

why do rottweilers bit womens breasts

     Sure enough, there we are on Google’s #15.  That’s just crazy!

     Then there’re these twenty-four sessions…

personal ads rottweiler daughter private investigator

     Even higher, we’re at Google’s #3.  Who knew?

     And thirteen gems like this:

what percent of women think their house is haunted

     Yeah, we get Google’s #8 on that search. 

     Really, it blows my mind sometimes.