Snowblower Take 2
July 25th, 2010 at 3:00 am by MarkTags: dailyshite, frosty, humor, ice, innuendo, nature, picture, snowblower, winter
After an incredible moment (NSFW), Frosty just couldn’t sustain himself…
After an incredible moment (NSFW), Frosty just couldn’t sustain himself…
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Unless, of course, the intent was to use your pole and then start kissing on a rather fishy-smelling cat…
Shock value advertising has been a growing trend in the UK for the last two years. Going backwards from the March 2010 release of Fucking Hell, we also find Pussy from 2009:
The name Pussy shocks and demands attention — that’s the point. Inhibition is a recipe for mediocrity. This is a premium energy drink named with confidence.
As much as the sales team can wax poetic about the value of Pussy, their television commercials do seem to leave people wondering.
Many young women in the UK have decided to experiment with Pussy. Sometimes they like it, and sometimes they don’t. It’s so difficult to tell peoples’ particular preference these days.
If you’re into Pussy, you can find it almost everywhere in London, from street corners in the morning on the way to work, to pubs and clubs in the late evening.
But one thing is for certain. Pussy can be damned expensive…
However, I won’t be going to this one. My mouth isn’t pretty enough, and I will not squeal like a pig.