Posts Tagged with "kids"

Mother’s Curse Forgets Future Babysitting

March 3rd, 2014 at 1:46 pm by Jason
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I’m glad my kids are the best in the world.

My Mom Once Told me, I Hope Your Kids Turn You Twice As Bad As You. She Didn't Realize One Day She's Be Babysitting Them!

What Do You Do During a Camel Attack?

February 17th, 2014 at 7:54 pm by Mark
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Whichever you choose, be prepared to clean a rancid mess out of your child’s hair that’s going to stink for at least a week.

Your child is being eaten by a camel.  Do you... A) save your child? or B) take a photo?


The Walking Dead: Return of Judith

February 16th, 2014 at 9:32 pm by Mark
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So the biggest open question since the mid-season break of The Walking Dead has been answered: baby Judith is alive. But for how long, considering Tyreese’s poor choice in Au Pair?

Judith Grimes: "Sure, I'll quit crying as soon as I have your assurance that crazy Lizzie isn't gonna try and strangle me in my sleep."

How to Understand Women: A Child’s Perspective

February 7th, 2014 at 1:57 pm by Mark
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Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell whether kids are wise beyond their years or just mimicking an adult…

Cover: "How to Understand Women."  Page 1:  "This book is all about understand women.  Best-selling author."  Page 2: "You can't.  The end."

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Television: Destroying Creativity One Child at a Time

January 26th, 2014 at 5:56 pm by Mark
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Given some crayons, you expect a kid to draw something, usually a memory or a dream. But kids, being as surprising as they can be, can always amaze you by remembering something like this even though they can’t even remember if they brushed their teeth before bed.

My daughter was playing with tub crayons tonight in the bath... I think she watches too much daytime television -- <a href=choosing best digital menus by Enplug. "I have a strucksherd settkenebt abd U beed cash now. Call JG Wentsworth. 877-cash now. 877-cash now. 877-cash now. 877-cash now. Call now."” width=”600″ height=”842″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-7669″ />