Posts Tagged with "marketing"

Chinese WTF Products

July 23rd, 2012 at 12:38 pm by Michelle
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I know all of these words, but have no idea what this product is…

Dear Yahoo…

July 23rd, 2012 at 10:35 am by Glenn
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Every day when I get bored at work I start browsing around and usually end up on the Yahoo home page for a little while. What’s got me bothered is your stupid AUTOPLAY VIDEO AT HIGHEST VOLUME POSSIBLE policy. I mean c’mon, I’m trying to be discreet and shit and here you go again blasting news to the office or worse, some non-targeted commercial for tampons or something else I have no possible use for…

So — all I ask is that you identify my IP address and only play commercials that are focused soundly around beer, condoms, and breasts, or just plainly turn the sound to minimum and let me choose how loudly I want to hear things.



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Flat-D Flatulence Deodorizer

July 6th, 2012 at 12:09 pm by Michelle
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It’s amazing the crap people come up with these days, but this might keep it from stinking.

Bad Product Marketing: Ice Cream

July 2nd, 2012 at 5:43 pm by Mark
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Snapped this at the grocer the other day, and thought, “No thanks. I’ll wait for the Cold ice cream instead of the Paris Hilton variety.”

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What’s in the Sunday Sale Papers?

July 1st, 2012 at 1:37 pm by Mark
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There really aren’t many sale papers in the Sunday newspaper these days, and the things that are on sale are rarely anything useful or necessary. When the pickings are slim, it’s always fun to find something like this.