Posts Tagged with "movies"

What if Hitchcock Was Right About the Birds?

February 8th, 2013 at 5:07 pm by Mark
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When you see something like this, you know it isn’t just paranoia — the birds really are out to get you!

Bird poop looks like a skull!

Doesn’t Anyone Research Past Wikipedia Any More?

February 5th, 2013 at 7:19 pm by Mark
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And, just like that, Wikipedia was edited by some anonymous boob to reflect 2013 instead of what’s actually in the damn movie. (see link) This is why you don’t use it as a primary resource for anything worthwhile…

Back to the Future: 21-Oct-2015


Chinese Bootleg Movies Seem a Bit Different…

January 21st, 2013 at 5:40 pm by Mark
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Again, we see English words used as a design element… in this case, the lyrics to a popular Eminem song. This is, however, not unlike the American idiot with, “I’m a sweet little prostitute,” tattooed on his arm in Chinese because he thought it said, “Fierce warrior.”

Bruce Almighty: Chinese Bootleg Cover

Apathetic Drivers + Cold Weather = Asshats

November 28th, 2012 at 5:07 pm by Mark
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I’d blame the $500 Million Powerball Lottery jackpot, but it started prior to that. I’d blame the Holiday season, but it started before that, as well. The problem is that a short, five-mile drive now results in no less than three near-head-on collisions, at least two incidents where a driver takes a right turn from the far left lane with no regard for other traffic, at least one person who pulls out from a parking lot directly in front of you when you’re only ten feet from them, and no less than four morons who keep inching out at stops and nearly take out the entire right side of your vehicle. I’m gonna have to go with Early Grace’s explanation of this phenomenon

Stock Photos

Life Imitates Art

November 17th, 2012 at 5:02 pm by Mark
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Whoah … Those two chairs even look like a walker!