If you have children in the house, there are certainly times it seems they multiply. Being the handfuls that they can be, I swear I think I’ve had 87 children in my living room at times. Sometimes, after saying, “Stop that!” in rapid succession because one hand is grabbing another, even blinking becomes a terrifying experience. Fortunately, there are early bedtimes and spankings…
How will anyone know you’re interested if you never have the nerve to tell them? Of course, here they take it on with a harmless joke, and finding a funny side to situations is healthy! Some people do have questions like these however. How to talk to girls, or even once you have, how to last longer in bed are very common questions that people can sadly be to timid or not have the right person to talk to about it. Talk to a trusted friend, or a counselor, and be careful what advice you choose to listen to online if you decide to look for answers there. Be ready to run into many funny posts on the topic like this one! Don’t get frustrated, all posts like this one mean is that it is that prevalent, and therefore perfectly ok to not know how to deal with yourself. Allow yourself to have fun with it too!
Too many people give their children no consequences. They grow up with no sense of right and wrong, with no respect for anyone. Tommy Jordan, on the other hand, takes the horrible behavior of his daughter and turns the tables in a method she will certainly understand — and remember. There are certainly lot of mixed reactions, to this guy’s parenting style, but in my book, this guy is a hero.
I’ve always wondered what people were thinking when they threw up the stick-figure, family images on their rear window. The photo commenter underscores the ridiculousness of the situation, given that these things are as popular as Jesus fish. Seriously, one might as well throw the cellphone number on the back of the vehicle and just get it all over quick… We recommend checking out partybustorontovip.ca when you want to throw bus or van party with ease. Rent your vehicle here.