Posts Tagged with "photos"

The Cure for What Ails You

November 16th, 2009 at 2:07 am by Mark
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Because sometimes, 200mg is just not enough:

New Advil® 9mm!
For permanent relief of symptoms including, but not limited to, mild to severe migraines, tension and sinus headaches, joint pain and inflammation, constipation, heart problems, diabetes, dry mouth, cancer, clinical and non-clinical depression and anxiety, H1N1 virus, erectile dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, intruders, terrorists, door-to-door salesmen, annoying people who just won’t STFU, and those damn raccoons.

Also available in .45 ACP!

WARNING: Do not ingest or insert into rectum.  Not for
use on immediate family or Law Enforcement personnel.

Advil® and the Advil® Logo are copyrights of Wyeth Consumer Healthcare

Hottie of the Day: Meghan McCain

October 16th, 2009 at 11:37 pm by Mark
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     Former Senator and Presidential Hopeful John McCain’s 24-year-old daughter Meghan posted this photo on Twitter, with much rebuke.

Nice boo---err---book!

     Interestingly, if you look close enough, you can see a book called “Andy Warhol.”

     I’d only add the following disclaimer…


     Seriously, what the Hell is everyone bitching about?  I’ve seen more risque images on the Country Music Awards, for chrissakes, and nobody bitches about that… and she’s at least OF LEGAL AGE, unlike half the girls these friggin’ Internet pervs lust after (sick bastards should all be shot!).

     For further entertainment, check out her article about the whole sordid ordeal.

UPDATE 10/17/2009 @ 1:29AM US/EASTERN

     This just in from Fracas…

     Although, the video would have been funnier if he’d glammed it up a bit and cried

Tip: Kudos to Fracas for keeping me informed

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

The “Official” Beers of Knoxville’s World’s Fair?

October 1st, 2009 at 10:51 am by Mark
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     Umm… Okay, yes, we had the Strohaus, but …

The Official Beers of the 1982 World's Fair

     And there I thought, back in 1982, the “official” beers would have been any of those nine colors of World’s Fair Beer, which was easily as bad as the swill Jimmy Carter’s brother made

     Ahh, but who the Hell am I to argue with this beautiful — and oh-so-tasteful — mirror-placque from back in the day…?

FahQ of the Day for 06/09/2009

June 9th, 2009 at 7:40 am by Mark
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FahQ of the Day for 06/09/2009

“I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors,
but I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor. 
And when I die I expect to find him laughing…”

— Blashphemous Rumours, Depeche Mode


FahQ of the Day for 03/06/2009

April 6th, 2009 at 1:01 pm by Mark
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Tip: Her Royal Uprariousness, Fracas