Posts Tagged with "politics"

The Perfect Gift This Holiday Season

October 19th, 2007 at 10:16 am by Diva
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OG came into my office the other day.  She was giggling and terribly amused about something.  She told me to sign onto AOL so she could shoot me a linkie.

And she did.  And it was funny.  I plan to purchase multiples. 

The Hillary Clinton Nutcracker! Get yours today!

Irresponsible Constipation

October 12th, 2007 at 1:37 am by Zacque
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On the way back, from out the woods, all of a sudden the traffic came to a stand still.  For a second I thought I had given way to shock and was in need medical attention because this is Maryville, Tennessee. This is a town that is maybe three times the size of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, it seemed a bit excessive to require four police cars and one tow truck at the “scene of the crime.” 

After all it was just a routine case of dented rear (end) syndrome.  One idiot/person liked the other person’s butt a little too much and would have no long distance relationship. For this driver, he wanted that butt just like a babyboomer to coke: “ITS MINE!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!”  A moment of pure obsessive madness.

The larger problem is the inability of said law enforcement to correctly assist in navigating around such a traffic fiasco.  No, instead said officer motioned as if I was to stop my motor vehicle.  What he then failed to do was request that I drive around said incident while he walked past me. 

This was not a case of American blind justice, just sheer irreverence for having a decent work ethic.  After all aren’t public servants supposed to perform their tasks to the best of their ability no matter how irksome? Or, in the midst of other current events, have the law enforcement officials in Maryville be taking notes from the Knox County Commision?  Only time will tell…

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Six Years Ago Today

September 11th, 2007 at 3:25 pm by Mark
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     Six years ago today, I was living in a wannabe-First-World country that finally made me realize, “Hey, this place is more f&*$ed up than a Football bat!”  After a couple of lengthy discussions, a bit of screaming, sporadic violence and some careful planning, I decided to come back to the United States after a three year absence.

     To everyone who says, “Oh, the [insert some random country’s pathetic, government-provided excuse for a public solution] system is so much better in [insert some random country] than here in the US!” I would only say one thing:

     Move there and find out what it’s really like compared to here, instead of believing some fairy-tale novella written by some asshat academic who’s never stepped foot in the country he adores above his own.
     When it comes right down to it, the hard truth is that we get to enjoy the fruits of our labors, enjoying the best of most everything, whereas other countries export it for the good of their GDP.

     Never forget what happened six years ago today.

     Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

It’s That Time Again

September 5th, 2007 at 11:25 am by Zacque
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No, sorry, it’s not the wonderful monthly rush of gore and blood. Which is carefully infused through an almost cancerous cavern of what once was love, but it’s close.

Welcome to the world of complete insanity.  It’s almost time for the Presidential Election again.

Can you hear the mindless abundance of worthless propaganda trying to convince you to vote for one schmuck or another?

The Presidency is the highest public office in this country.  With that in mind why are: Hillary Clinton, Borat O’Bama, err… sorry Barack Hussien Obama, John McCain, Fred Thompson, and so many others trying to attain this honor?

With the exception of greed, I don’t think any of them have the mindset to put our country first.  Where is a candidate who will put the country above his or her own personal desires? 

This is derived from a breakdown in overall morality and common decency.  Simply stated “To much @#$%!!! compromise!”  Poor decisions compounded upon one another to spread the radical ideas of one zealot.  One idiot after another who tries to taint the soup so much it sours while cooking.  The current President may not have been the greatest, but I’d put money on the fact he’d do better than any of his competition.  Not like we could give them a chance anyhow, nor would we want to. 

With this in mind on this Election Day, I will stay home.  At least when I am done posturing myself about I will have something to show for it.

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Who Has Your Interests at Heart?

August 27th, 2007 at 9:41 pm by Zacque
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Well, in terms of recent events I can say absolutely no one.

Especially in terms of a particular political party that is supposed to be pro-choice.

Let’s take a look at what the term pro-choice means.  (Since I personally believe that the entire country with the exception of a chosen few need a refresher on this term.)  Pro, derived from Latin, means for, as in for or against.  Choice, is Germanic in origin, and simply means the act or choosing the thing chosen.  So together, in all rational thought you would think that being pro-choice would then mean to be for making choices.  Not deciding to be for a specific choice, but the action of making that choice (sorry for the redundancy, however in the light of the Miss Teen South Carolina candidate, one can never be to sure about proving a point).

So why then do the liberals (who unfortunately get lumped into the category with democrats and lazy republicans), say they are pro-choice? 

The answer is so simple: they lump it together with abortion.  Like a small majority of Christians who consider all other faiths to be heathen and un-christian (ex. my god is better than your god so lets fight about it, which is not unlike early kung-fu movies).

So I say drop the noise and notion that you are pro-choice, because you obviously are not.  If you were, what is your stance on gun control?  I advocate safety and proper technique, not crummy legislation that will keep law abiding citizens from owning and operating guns.  While they are not a toy, neither is an automobile.  I don’t see anyone trying to improve the mass transit in this country either, but I’ll save that for another day.

Next this funny thing called citizenship, it is for citizens.  Persons born in or who migrate legally are citizens.  Not illegal immigrants who work without paying federal, state, and local taxes on their incomes.

So in conclusion, I would venture to say that the majority of liberals by my rationale are pro-choice, like so many other things, when it suits them or is more convenient.

please note: definitions are reduced from, with the exception of pro-choice.