Posts Tagged with "radio"

Sick of Adele Songs Yet?

April 27th, 2013 at 5:44 pm by Mark
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Adele’s song, “Rolling in the Deep,” is case in point where commercial radio plays the same song over and over so often that people become physically ill at the mere mention of it, or the name of the artist who sang it.

It's a Dell --- Rolling in the Deep

Inspired by 80’s Music?

November 20th, 2012 at 5:34 pm by Mark
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The 80’s are considered “notorious” in some circles because of the massive over-commercialization of virtually every type of music, with little to no regard for taste. The over-proliferation of cassette tapes, as well as the mid-decade release of the compact disc, signaled the death knell of the record player. And despite it, every once in a while, you’ll still find yourself humming along to some of the most annoying music ever produced, such as Culture Club’s “Karma Chameleon.”

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Caller Wants Deer Crossing Signs Moved

October 19th, 2012 at 7:01 pm by Mark
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Ya know … Someone should … I just … Oh, nevermind …

Note: Hat-tip to Anita, who is blonde, yet still knows better.