Posts Tagged with "voting"

Stupidest Thing I Heard All Day…

October 30th, 2008 at 8:55 pm by Mark
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     Seriously, is it safe to be conservative?

     I mean, last night, standing in the checkout line, an upper-middle-aged woman remarked about “all the books” about the presidential candidates.

     “There are like fifteen for Obama, one for that racist and three for that whore.”

     I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, but not enough she would have noticed. 

     “And I’m voting for Obama, not that stupid whore!” she continued.

     Ummm … I think her logic was faulty …

     Didn’t she mean that she wasn’t going to vote for “that stupid racist?”

     “You’d have to be a f#$*ing idiot to vote for that bitch!”

     Wow … Well, I actually agreed that you’d have to be an idiot to vote for any “bitch” in this election, considering it’s actually two men running…

     Looks some liberals don’t even know who’s the front runner any more…

     I’m a little confused by all the “Vice President” bashing, anyway.  Back in 1991 and 1995, nobody liked Al Gore, either.  Clinton supporters would always be first to let everyone know, “It’s not like Gore is gonna be President, anyway!  Who cares?”

     So why does Palin matter so much now that the tables are turned?

     One word: asshats.

Barak Ospama Owes Me Money!

October 13th, 2008 at 2:45 pm by Mark
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     Obama recently went off on McCain for his lack of technical prowess.  Meanwhile, Obama has “his people” set up a blog, a twitter, a MySpace, and bunch of other Web 2.0 garbage that I am 100% certain he has no idea how to use, himself.  And it really ticks me off, because it is then used to harass and annoy people who don’t want it.

     And this right here is where’s it’s an issue.  Obama keeps going off that McCain is “out of a touch” with technology and living in a world of twenty-there years ago, and yet Obama is out of touch with the very laws he’s being paid to help to shape and mould — and even then, doesn’t show up for work most of the time.

     Federal Statutes have declared that Campaign E-mails soliciting for donations fall under the category of “Commercial E-Mail.”  I have received no less than three of these e-mails per day for the last month — all from Barak Obama.  Despite my having opted out.  Multiple times.  To no avail.

     Here’s the basis of the Federal CAN-SPAM Law:

  • It bans false or misleading header information.
  • It prohibits deceptive subject lines.
  • It requires that your email give recipients an opt-out method.
  • It requires that commercial email be identified as an advertisement and include the sender’s valid physical postal address.

     And it appears that there’s only one of those items the Obama campaign hasn’t broken!

     Oh, and it carries with it fines of up to $11,000 per violation, raking in a conservative estimate of nearly ten million dollars that Barak Obama owes in fines, plus State Recompense and the FTC-Imposed Civil Fees, which means that Barack Obama owes me $45,900.

     So McCain is out of touch with Technology … Obama is out of touch with Law, and the spirit of it.

     Which one’s the bigger sin?

     No way in Hell will I vote for someone who’s as notorious as Sanford “Spamford” Wallace.

     So seriously, Mr. Ospama, stop adding me to MySpace!  Don’t follow me on Twitter!  And first and foremost, quit sending me these damn e-mails!  And get out that check book — I could really use it right now, so I’ll settle for an even $45,000.

Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!

Vote, or Shut the Hell Up

October 3rd, 2008 at 7:27 am by Mark
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     One of the things you learn to stop doing when you move to another country is bitching about politics.  You’re an immigrant, an outsider, and in most cases, you can’t hope to understand the nuances of another country’s politics.

     Unless you’re an extremely astute bastard, like Craig Ferguson.

     He also re-iterates a point I’ve made a billion and a half times: if you didn’t excercise your Right to vote, then you Lost your Right to Bitch.  e.g. if you didn’t vote in the last election, no one cares about your disdain and comdemnation — STFU!

     Plain and simple.

     Oh … And if you’re a Senator who didn’t even bother to show up and vote on all the Resolutions you were supposed to vote on because you’re too busy blazing a campaign trail, you’re a total Asshat!  Not only do these Senators have a responsibility to vote on these issues, it’s their duty and their job to do it — especially when it’s a bill that’s at the heart of their campaign promises.
     And it’s interesting to note, when you go down the Voting Records to see that the Head of one of our two major political parties pretty much hasn’t voted on anything in like … eight years?  Apparently, the Jackass that represents him is a little more personal…

Tip: The astute voter and Patriot, Mushy, at The Silverbacks

Observations from Super Tuesday

February 7th, 2008 at 4:20 pm by Mark
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     Moonbats and Asshats were certainly rife on Super Tuesday. 

     For weeks to come, we’ll keep hearing political commentary from people who have about as much grasp on politics as Pope does on WWII History. 

     As I was voting with a change of Address and voting venue, I was at the polls for quite a while watching and listening to people.  It’s an adamantly blue-collar, pro-union district, so naturally there are a lot of blue voters, especially of the “Damn Yankee!” variety — the type who get “Damn” attached to the beginning of their titles because they won’t go home.  *snicker*
     So I began to take notes of some of the conversations I overheard while waiting…

“What do you mean Democrat or Republican?  How should I know?  I wanna vote for Obama.  Is he a Republican or a Democrat?”

     Words cannot begin to describe my disdain for this particular style of voting.  As surely as there’s lonely brain cell left to rattle around in a nearly empty skull, you should know something so basic about the person you’re giving your support to run the country.

“Oh, god, you know I’m a Democrat.  Republicans are stupid.  Hey, do I have to sign my name here where it says?”

     I thought to myself, “No, just put an X, dipshit.”

“The only reason you won’t support Cinton is because you’re a man!  I am sick to death of all the latent misogyny by the patriarchal anti-Clinton camp!”

     No, apparently she wasn’t quite “sick to death,” as I could still hear her.  It’s funny to me how it never occurrs to some people that it’s Hillary-bashing, not Woman-bashing.  Which brings me to next part:

“You won’t vote for Obama ’cause you’re a racist!”

     Umm … Ok.  Of course, the same guy came out and said:

“Man, I voted for Hillary.”

     *shakes head*  So, uhh… He’s a racist?  And proud of it?

     Which brings up another:

“I scrolled to Obama and hit Cast Ballot.  And the screen came up and said ‘Thank you for your vote.’  I think I messed up.  Can I do it again?  No?  Man, you all are racist!”

     Ya know… I just… How the… Why… *shakes head*

     On a similar note:

“Uh, it says to press the Enter button.  Is that the big green one that says Enter?”

     I thought about saying, “Nah, it’s the big red one that says, ‘Cast Ballot,'” but since the last guy who made that mistake nearly went postal, I decided to just stand there and shake my head a while longer…

     Finally, with my Failsafe paperwork approved, I was able to rejoin the line and make my way up to the registry official.
     “Democrat or Republican?” the official asked the guy in front of me.
     “Republican,” he whispered as quietly as possible.
     “REPUBLICAN?” the official yelled.
     “Uh, yeah, yeah,” he whispered, glancing nervously towards the jeers from around him.
     He signed his name.  He walked, with an, “Excuse me,” through the crowd and over to the Voting Booths.  He cast his vote.  He walked out.

     When it was my turn, I did the same.

     But I still wonder where all the animosity comes from.

     If having different opinions is so bad, then why bother voting at all?

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Civic Duties and Other Such Crap

February 6th, 2008 at 8:06 pm by Zacque
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It obvious to me that a bunch of trained monkeys devised the way we vote.  There is a certain about of space you must be away from the polling place to complain, compare, or contrast what exactly you are voting on.  You must be said distance away from the other constituent while they cast their ballots.  Last, but not least, you must stand in this bread line to vote for the asshole that you didn’t want to see in office anyway.  After all, your candidate didn’t have the staying power to go all the way.  He came, he went, and subsequently went to sleep, just like the dyke’s idea of a stereotypical man (which includes Hitlery, since you know with socialist ideas like that she has to be hung like a moose.)

By this same rationale the voting process is no better that the crappy politicians we flock to elect every chance we get.  Simply put we desire the change they promise.  Meanwhile they will never own up to the fact that they can’t change everything we would like.  Surely, we may be able to try and elect at the very least someone who won’t screw the country up too bad or try to appear electable for monetary gain.

With that said, I am starting to wonder if I should have just let go of my civic duty and stayed home, but I digress.