Posts Tagged with "WTF"

Justin Beiber in Fifty Shades of Grey?

October 2nd, 2012 at 6:03 pm by Mark
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If you’re supposed to believe NME, Justin Beiber has been approached to play Christian Grey. Surprisingly, he wasn’t up for the role of Anastasia Steele…

Hello, Kitty! Fandom Gone Overboard

September 30th, 2012 at 5:02 pm by Mark
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Up until the last few years, the only time that someone could be seen with pointy teeth was around Halloween. However, popular trends, ancient traditions, and mere shock value have encouraged some people to visit the dentist for more than just your common teeth cleaning.

A procedure called “yaeba,” which means “double tooth” in Japanese, has been a growing fad in Japan over the last two years and is sparking a trend in other countries of the world as well. In Western society, an attractive smile generally starts with straight teeth, but in Japan, crooked, pointy teeth are desired because they show that a woman is not perfect, making her more approachable. To achieve a pointy, vampire-like smile for patients, a dentist can either permanently shave down the canine teeth into pointed teeth, or plastic fangs can be applied temporarily with an adhesive. Other cultures and traditions have also influenced people to make drastic alterations to their teeth, while some others decide to have just normal dental procedures with professional as Dentist Sydney that really help with this.

Due in no small part to idiots with gold grilles permanently enameled to their teeth, I’ve never seen the point of Elective Dentistry. For this one, I think I’ll let Hoss from Bonanza say it for me.

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Facebook: Support Group for the Terminally Emo

August 24th, 2012 at 5:38 pm by Mark
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Facebook is the perfect enabler for overly emotional narcissists, drama queens and asshats just looking to pick a fight… Asshats like Jake, who’s so obviously trying to stir the pot. *rolls eyes* Seriously, Jake, she’s fine — she just needs some Advil®.

When You See It…

July 24th, 2012 at 5:46 pm by Mark
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I’d give you a hint, but I can’t quite put a finger on it…

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Pussy Joke

July 23rd, 2012 at 5:13 pm by Mark
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On rare occasions, I find an image which is so “WTF?” that sarcasm and innuendo are rendered useless.