Posts Tagged with "apathy"

Not What You Wanted on Your Sandwich

May 10th, 2012 at 5:15 pm by Mark
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Food quality, both in restaurants and store-shelf products, has certainly taken a nosedive the last two years. Rising costs of products and mandatory wage increases — pushed by political agendas — are mostly to blame. As minimum wage was pushed up, the mandatory wage increase caused many food industry average wages to fall to the minimum wage baseline just to account for the increased low-end labor cost. Meanwhile, food costs have increased in both restaurants and in stores, and with less money to go around, you can almost understand employee apathy in the food industry. And with apathy comes an even higher cost.

Unfortunately, many food workers fail to take into account that unsafe and improper handling of food products not only leads to increased production costs. In fact, it can often lead to large outbreaks of food-borne illnesses such as Salmonella, E.coli, Staphylococcus, and even Hepatitis…

National ‘Dutch Oven’ Day

November 11th, 2011 at 6:00 am by Glenn
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OK – so I realize that I’ve been away for a while with no excuse but the call has been loud and clear so to all of my faithful readers, you can sleep easy now knowing that I’m back on the job.

So where did we leave off? I believe I was just starting to get in the swing of criticizing that douche-bag Newt Gingrich. Or was it that pointy nosed chicken looking wife of his? While I can guarantee it was the later, I can also guarantee that no one cares about those two.

So what should we care about? Well, today we should care about farting. And we should care about its effect on our relationships. And we should care about how farting is perceived in the bedroom. And we should help our partners understand how it isn’t our fault. And we should help our partners become desensitized to the effects of farting. So men! Hear my call! It’s time to rally!

For tonight … we fart. And we fart with pride. And we fart knowing that others too are farting. So go forth, eat those beans, eat that corn, chug that pork. And tonight, when the time is right, we will all pull the covers over our heads and share our masterful trumpeting and odoriferous flatulence with our wives, our girlfriends, our lovers!

Welcome to the inaugural ‘National Dutch Oven Day’!


Apathy Sucks

October 25th, 2008 at 12:02 am by Mark
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     Apathy sucks.

     I’d start a campaign against apathy, but my give a damn is broken.

     Just look at these people…

     And me, I’m not even disgusted…