The Beauty of Life
February 12th, 2014 at 7:59 pm by MarkTags: beauty, dogs, poop
Ignorance is bliss, right?
Ignorance is bliss, right?
If I have to ask whether a joke is going to offend anyone before I post it, it probably is. That does not, however, mean I that won’t spew coffee out my nose the first time I hear it…
Where will you be when the Revolution begins? On other law related information, checkout this link : Texas car wreck lawyers if you need legal help for accidents.
I suppose this Tempe, Arizona’s original business name, Rural Animal Clinic P.C., just wasn’t catchy enough. Now, every time my dog needs a new timing chain, or my cat’s transmission keeps slipping in first, I’ll think of these guys.
Regardless of how some people try and blur the lines, some animals are pets and some animals are food.