Posts Tagged with "German"

Another Reason Why Germans Don’t Play Scrabble

February 13th, 2015 at 5:40 pm by Mark
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Because four words, “floor sanding machine rental” was just too damned easy.

Why Germans Don't Play Scrabble: FUSSBODENSCHLEIFMACHINENVERLEIH - Floor Sanding Machine Rental. The perfect do-it-yourself system to renovate old wood floors.

Why Germans Don’t Play Scrabble

February 7th, 2015 at 5:49 pm by Mark
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Because, “Elevator Usage Instructions” was just too damned easy.

Fahrtreppenbenutzungshinweise: Bei gefhar ziehen. Missbrauch wird bestraft!  Translation: Escalator use instructions: "Pull in case of danger. Abuse will be punished!"

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World Cup 2014: France vs. Germany

July 1st, 2014 at 5:38 pm by Mark
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With only days left before the FIFA World Cup 2014 match between Germany and France, there’s only one question on everyone’s minds.

Does the French World Cup Team Have a Time Limit Before It Can Surrender?

Of All Things In Manchester, TN

October 29th, 2009 at 11:50 pm by Zacque
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Thursday night my wife and I decided to make the trip to lovely Viola, TN for a friend’s wedding.  At that point we also decided that we should go down Friday night to visit Lynchburg in the morning prior to the wedding  (besides its the BBQ cook-off weekend.)  Looking through the web wonderland we discovered a quaint little German restaurant we wanted to try out. 

The Gasthaus of Manchester, TN is absolutely wonderful, the food was by far superior to anything I have ever had in Manchester and the beer and the selection was phenomenal.  For directions, see the link.  So if you find yourself in Manchester and are in the mood for something unique definitely check this one out!

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