Posts Tagged with "knoxville"

June Blogfest: And a Good Time Was Had By All

June 10th, 2007 at 10:29 am by Mark
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     I arrived at Bailey’s just after 6PM to find Doug McCaughan (of Reality Me!) pulling in at the same time with his son Tommy.   We entered to find Michael Silence (No Silence Here) and Mushy (Mushy’s Moochings and others).
     Over the next few minutes, Tish (The Kat House), Rich Halley (Shots Across the Bow), Les Jones ( and Lissa Kay (Oh… Really?) showed up.

     A little later, the last of us headed to Oak Ridge to see The Atomic Horns at the Eagle’s Club — featuring none other than Barry (Inn of the Last Home) on keyboards.  There aren’t many “full bands” around the area these days, and these guys & gals were really fun — a mixture of soul, rock, disco and funk from the previous thirty years.  The ode to the Blues Brothers was hilarious.  😉

Mushy Smoochings?

     Here’s a photo of Tish from The Kat House and Mushy from Mushy’s Moochings, standing there side-by-side, as if they were a couple or something.

     Notably absent: Diva, who messaged me at 11:21PM to ask whether or not these people really existed.  LOL

Bloggers – Knoxville, Saturday Night, 6PM

May 17th, 2007 at 11:57 pm by Mark
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     Saturday Night, 6PM.  Barley’s in the Old City.  Come on down!

Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!


May 8th, 2007 at 10:04 pm by Zacque
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One day I woke up and said, “I don’t want to work here anymore.  Why don’t I just move.”  So I finally did it.  I relocated.  Let me tell ya, I am quite a bit happier.  Not that I don’t love my friends and family that I have left behind, but I needed change.

Of all the things with this move I wish I could change, I think the one I could do without is all of the driving.  Then again, I could just be saying that because I just heard the Frank Sinatra redition of “Fly Away.”  If only I could simply go to Peru or to have a drink in an exotic local just for kicks.  For that matter, wouldn’t it just be nice to take a sabbatical just to make whoopie? 

 I don’t think that I am the only person who is guilty of not taking enough time for themselves. 

 Oh well, with this relocation I have become not only a photographer, but I am also the ice cream delivery guy.  Just remember if you let me cool ya one time you’ll be my regular stop.

Calling All Knoxville Bloggers

April 17th, 2007 at 8:25 pm by Mark
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     Rich, over at Shots Across the Bow, has scheduled a local Blogfest at Calhoun’s West (the one by Pellissippi) for this Saturday, April 21st at 6PM.  All interested bloggers should simply show up.  Attractive, half-naked women are also encouraged.

     Hey, I’m a rock star — I like my groupies.  😉


Peyton Manning as a Role Model

March 27th, 2007 at 12:37 pm by Mark
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     I snorted coffee through my nose watching Knoxville’s Number One Son…

Tip: Thanks, Laura!