Posts Tagged with "memes"

Mis-Use of Internet Memes

May 4th, 2012 at 5:56 pm by Mark
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The widespread misuse of Internet Memes has become a trend of its own. Given that there is so little information about the sources of said memes, incorrect information is constantly represented as fact with footnotes to prove the falsifications. In the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln:

“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine.”

Personally, I blame Al Gore, since he invented the Internet.

Open Season on Duckface Photos

April 13th, 2012 at 12:02 pm by Mark
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If the meme isn’t enough for you, be sure to play the video game!

Facebook Duck Hunting: Every time you see a girl doing the duck face in a photo, you comment "BANG!" Happy duck hunting! :)


It’s Their Fault I Used Twitter…

October 26th, 2009 at 3:35 pm by Mark
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     Fracas gave me reason #8934 I shouldn’t use Twitter.  I blame my complete and total lack of self control on her, since she’s the one who pointed out that stupid #oneletteroffmovies bit, where you take a movie title and change one letter for an entirely different meaning…
     Needless to say, my Twitter Traffic has been disturbingly high.

Mark Ruffalo stars as the entire cast in Ruffalo Soldiers. #oneletteroffmovies
1 minute ago

Little chance of being frightened at this pathetic, cult musical comedy: Little Shot of Horrors #oneletteroffmovies
1 minute ago

Horror/Shocker as an escort establishment suffers from a rash of pregnancies. Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Brood #oneletteroffmovies
3 minutes ago

Puffy Combs makes a deal with Baalzebub. Bedizzled. #oneletteroffmovies
6 minutes ago

Jim Carrey stalks Matthew Broderick in: The Cable Gay. #oneletteroffmovies
8 minutes ago

More of Howard Stern’s assinine humor. Private Farts. #oneletteroffmovies
8 minutes ago

Roger’s getting a little old to still be single…. Roger Codger #oneletteroffmovies
8 minutes ago

Meanwhile, Lorraina Bobbit has her own plans… Deconstructing Hairy #oneletteroffmovies
10 minutes ago

Alfred Hitchcock’s protaginst suffers from ED. The Trouble with Hairy. #oneletteroffmovies
11 minutes ago

Gena Rowlands and Winona Ryder know which Wayne’s World star they find attractive. Night on Garth #oneletteroffmovies
12 minutes ago

Capt. Yossarian escapes the horror of World War II by making magic brownies. Batch-22 #oneletteroffmovies
13 minutes ago

Basketball coach Billy Bob Thornton finds out he really is above average… Mr. Hoodcock #oneletteroffmovies
15 minutes ago

Katherine Waterston reveals her nickname for the breasts she’s about to expose. The Babysisters. #oneletteroffmovies
16 minutes ago

He came. He saw. He acted like a pervert. Veni! Vidi! Vicie! #oneletteroffmovies
21 minutes ago

May the Bluebird of Happieness forever urinate in your Cheerios. Piss Congeniality. #oneletteroffmovies
24 minutes ago

Sean Penn knows you lose 21 grams when you die. Now he knows how much he loses when he poops. 219 Grams. #oneletteroffmovies
25 minutes ago

Mark Ruffalo and Ethan Hawk give up a dangerous life of crime for simple credit card fraud. What Doesn’t Bill You. #oneletteroffmovies
29 minutes ago

Bruce Willis portrays Greg Luganis and his head-splitting injury: Dive Hard #oneletteroffmovies
31 minutes ago

Does anyone understand why constipation seems to hit caucasians harder? White Men Can’t Dump #oneletteroffmovies
33 minutes ago

Lila Littleworld realizes Canada is f#&*ing cold in, Frozen Liver #oneletteroffmovies
36 minutes ago

Wener Hertzog studies English as a Second Language in, Encounters at the End of the Word #oneletteroffmovies
36 minutes ago

Tommy Lee Jones plays a nasty prank in The Electric Mint #oneletteroffmovies
40 minutes ago

Don Cheadle moves to Iowa in Tractor #oneletteroffmovies
40 minutes ago

Madea becomes a Meteorologist in Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Hail #oneletteroffmovies
42 minutes ago

Eddit Murphy stars as a robotic blow-up doll in Meat Dave #oneletteroffmovies
43 minutes ago

Rob Schneider takes a laundry job in prison… The Big Stain #oneletteroffmovies
44 minutes ago

Stanley Tucci finds Bridget Fonda may not be straight… The Whore Shebang #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

Chelsea Makela, Damon Wayans, and an all New Zealand Cast. Dance Flock. #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

George Clooney asks his girlfriend to stop eating spicy food in, Burn After Reaming #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

Renee Zellweger goes anti-semitic in Jew in Town #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

Russel Crow finds Jeebus in State of Pray. #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

Jennifer Aniston loses all her hair in Mangement #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago

Walt Disney present, Tinker Hell! #oneletteroffmovies
about 1 hour ago from web

KungPow: Enter the Fish #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

Head Again #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

9 1/2 Peeks #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

Tool for Love … (Sam Shepherd/Kim Basinger/Harry Dean Stanton) #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

Crapped in Paradise #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

The Mighty Fucks #oneletteroffmovies
about 14 hours ago

@ManInTheMittle Lay Anything… #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

Never Lay Never Again #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

Bone With the Wind #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

The Porn Blows at Midnight #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

Little Big Porn #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

‘Pucker Up and Bark Like a Dog’ aka ‘Tits’ ( #oneletteroffmoviesabout 15 hours ago

@stephintoronto Gay After Tomorrow #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago from web in reply to stephintoronto

Tenacious D in The Dick of Destiny #oneletteroffmovies
about 15 hours ago

Unsure Cunts (Yes, I couldn’t help it – #oneletteroffmovies
about 16 hours ago

     Now, with wasted wit, I can’t even write a decent post.

     So, thanks, Fracas, for screwing up my blog with this nonsense!  😉

     For clarity’s sake, that was Eddie Murphy, Lila Littlewolf, etc. in the above list.  There are a number of typoes.  I won’t bother to fix them.  Yes, I did that on purpose. 
     And for that, I blame Dan Quayle.

The Fuckit List

March 15th, 2009 at 12:53 pm by Mark
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     Because Fracas asked, and I’m in hyper-stupid, crotchety mode, I’m gonna do The Fuckit List based on some of the ridiculous, inflammatory crap I came up with last night.

     So let’s see how many people I can piss off in one go…

1. The “Fuck you! I have a black president!” Mentality – Fuckit!
     I’m driving down the road, minding my own business, and a mo’fuck’n’ deer done run out and hit my car!  Oops, no, wrong story.

     Instead, no, it’s an African American Obama Voter who sees me coming, but just can’t seem to resist stepping off the curb directly in the path of my motor vehicle.  Since there are cars parked to the right and oncoming traffic to the left, by the Grace of Christ, I manage to stop in time and avoid getting yet another dent on my hood.  Damn deer…
     But it’s close… I’m only inches away from the guy, and he slams his fists down on my hood like I’ve done something wrong, and yells:
     “Fuck you!  I have a Black President!” 

     Do you not respond?  Oh, suffer the thought.

     “No, fuck YOU!  You have a half-white president!  And he’s mine too, in case you didn’t notice!  Now get the fuck out of the road!”
     “Fuck you!” he yells back, giving me the double-fisted finger, and still standing there blocking the road.
     I rev the engine and lay down on the horn.
     Suddenly, there’s another voice from across the street.  “Hey, get yo’ ass over here and leave that white boy alone!”
     “Sorry, grandad,” he replies humbly and walks out of the way.  But he can’t seem to resist sneakily turning and giving me  another flip before he disappears from view.

     So dude, regardless of whether you a have a black president, a white president, or even a black and tan president, I completely fail to comprehend what this has to do with the fact that you are still an asshole.

2. The “Now That I Have a Black President, I Finally Have Some Opportunity” Mentality – Fuckit!
     I must reference Mr. Dobransky’s wonderful post:

I overheard a convenience store employee say that “now that President Obama is in office, he was going to finally get an “opportunity”. So I asked how long he has worked at the store and it turns out he was one of the assistant managers and has been for like 5 years.

     I just don’t get it.  Opportunity to what?  Pull out the Racism and “get back” at people?  Keep yelling, “I have a Black President!”?  Get an economic stimulus check just like you did last year under the “other” guy, only this time nobody’s complaining that it’ll bankrupt the IRS and giving Obama all the credit for the idea?

     The mind boggles.

3. Economic Bailouts of the Auto Manufacturing, Banking and Mortgage Industries – Fuckit!
     The company fails while misusing shareholder equity and screwing all their investors.  Meanwhile, the company’s leadership get multi-million dollar raises.

     “Dude, I just lost $10,000 of my friend’s money playing Blackjack. Give me $10,000 so I can pay him $5,000 of it back and buy some hookers with the rest.  k?”

     Do I have stupid stamped across my forehead?

4. The Economy Sucks — and it’s Your Fault – Fuckit!
     It really is your fault.  Everyone keeps telling you the economy sucks, and you fall for it like a sheep. 

     We’re not a gold-based currency standard any more.  Our economy is based on faith in the purchasing power of our hard-earned cash, a system which has many, many flaws.  Fighting politicians attempt to circumvent a perfectly reasonable economy by spreading rumors and conjecture so that they can come in and save the day at the last minute by reinvigorating peoples’ faith.
     The plan is to feed you a line of bullshit, and come out looking like they’ve actually done something, when the reality is that all they did was add uncertainty and doubt to a paranoid public and fuck things up.

     Economic and Stock Analysts get on TV, telling you, “Buy this, buy that.  Do this, do that.”  Usually, by the time you get into it, those Analysts have already bailed, leaving you losing money.  That’s what they do.  It’s to make them money, and it’s market manipulation, plain and simple.  
     The banks keep screwing around with mortgage rates — so they can make more money.  Rental agencies keep raising the rates — so they can make more money.  And they are… because you keep falling for it!

     Sure, there’s some turmoil in the job market, but as these greedy companies fail, there’s always a new one there to take its place.   Unemployment really isn’t that bad.  People are spending money on frivolous items.  Gas is cheaper than it has been in years.

     The economy rocks.

     And no, Obama didn’t do it.

5. The Civil Rights Act – Fuckit!
     I’m sick and tired of explaining the differences between the Civil Rights Act and the Civil Rights Movement.  They are two entirely different things.  The Civil Rights Movement sought to help America desegregate, and put an end to the racist BS that went on for far too long.
     The Civil Rights Act decodified a lot of laws, and gave people the right to sue someone else for a crapton of money, often for no good reason.  It did not give blacks the right to vote — they already had that.  It did not empower minorities.  It did not do shit except give them the right to spend what little, hard-earned cash most of them had on an attorney, only to be told, “Sorry, we can’t sue for that, have a nice day!” by some prick of a white lawyer.

     If you read between the lines, that’s right…  I said John F. Kennedy was an asshole.  In pushing that crap, he perpetrated one of the biggest frauds on the American public ever.  And people still haven’t read the friggin’ thing, forty years later.

     Frivolous Lawsuits, boys and girls.  That’s what the Civil Rights Act is all about.  It didn’t have a damn thing to do the Civil Rights Movement, otherwise Louisiana might be compliant already.

     Now, I’m wondering if I can sue that idiot I mentioned in Number 1… He like, violated my Civil Rights… or something…

6. The Situation where Asshats Meddle in My Life – Fuckit!
     Speaking of “falling for anything,” it seems like Kentucky has an endless supply of idiots who continue to cause problems by calling my business over and over or showing up at my door based on — and spreading — some of the most ridiculous, small-town slander that I’ve ever heard.
     It has escalated to the point where people are getting seriously hurt, and if the present trend continues, I fear that someone’s going to end up dead.  But if the past few months are any indication, it’s probably not gonna be me.

     It’s hard to get Restraining Orders against the anonymous.  I actually toyed with the idea that next time, I’ll just stand there and let them do whatever it is they wanna do just to keep from hurting someone else and avoid the anxiety, guilt and depression that alway follows…
     I’ve also toyed with the idea of disappearing completely and starting a new life somewhere far away.  I thought really hard about that, and realized it wouldn’t solve a damn thing, because there are some things in life which are important, things which I cannot — and will not — let go of.

     For everything else … Fuckit.

     So that’s my Fuckit List.  And I’m breaking the rules about tagging people.

     So, Tag.  You’re it.


Rated E for Excellent

February 17th, 2008 at 2:22 pm by Mark
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Excellent Blog     Amusingly, WhoreChurch has awarded the Excellent Blog award due to the following reason:

Mark gets the award because he would beat me up if I didn’t give him the award.

     While the reasoning is patently untrue (I’d be more likely to beat him for saying I’m “not unavailable” *snicker*) the award — and thought — is appreciated.

     And thus, I pass the Award along to these five:

  • Fracas, because she’s also twisted hilarious, and because she’s impressed me with her mad marketing skills she learnt from the Nelson Marketing agency over the last year;
  • Diva’s Ranting Again (formerly Divalicious), because Diva would beat me up if I didn’t give her the award;
  • The Silverbacks, because it’s hilarious, and pretty much the first place I click on the off days when I start surfing;
  • Absolutely True, which is basically the Blog version of News of the Weird;
  • and last, but certainly not least, Instapinch, for having the balls to live in DC and be a Patriot — at the same time, even!  That’s an impressive feat these days!  Plus, it’s fun as Hell watching him rip a Moonbat apart piece by piece and feed him back his words.  😉

     So, kudos, ya’ll.  Pass it on to five more.  😉


     Ok, I just noticed that it’s supposed to be TEN, not FIVE.  I am a dork.

     And so, in keeping it Local, I’ll add to the list the Usual Suspects:
