Posts Tagged with "mexican"

May the Fourth Be With You on Cinco de Mayo?

May 5th, 2015 at 5:35 pm by Mark
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If you opened a fifth on the fourth, you might consider having a Margarita to sedate the hangover…

As May the Fourth gives way to Cinco de Mayo, I present to you: JUAN SOLO

Adventures at Taco Bell

March 8th, 2014 at 7:00 pm by Jason
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Sitting in Taco Bell with a friend and I hear fluent Spanish. I look around and, lo and behold, there’s a Mexican gentleman sitting across the restaurant. “It’s a good Chinese restaurant because lots of Chinese eat there,” seems silly now…

Taco Bell Mild Sauce: "Will you marry me?"  When my girlfriend of 6 years asked for some hot sauce, without thinking I handed her this... ...after a few seconds she screamed "YES!" and started crying uncontrollably... ...What the Hell Taco Bell?

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