Posts Tagged with "new year"

WTF? Who Let This Guy Post?

January 1st, 2009 at 12:00 am by Glenn
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Excerpt from a conversation between someone and someone else:

“What’s this shit about people fucking themselves by … Glenn?”

“I dunno — some idiot trying to become someone on”

“Sounds like a horrible idea.  Maybe he’s just a friend of Mark’s?”

“Right, probably some programmer/slacker guy in Los Angeles.  Who else likes Melon Flavored Green Tea…?”

“Yeah – no shit!  Either a pansy, or someone trying too hard to be funny.”

“Was something funny?”

“Good point.  I’m gonna go shove a juicebox up my ass, drink a glass of wine, and call it a day…”

Happy New Year!


The Following Can Go Fuck Themselves Today…

December 31st, 2008 at 11:59 am by Glenn
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The Following Can Go Fuck Themselves Today:

  • The ugly loud girl at Starbucks who was too busy being ugly and loud instead of properly putting together an order of a decaf coffe and a mocha.
  • The guy at Starbucks who decided it was a good idea to remove melon — yeah I said it… MELON — flavoring for my damn morning green tea.
  • Whoever the idiot at Arm and Hammer was who decided to add some element to their laundry detergent that makes my butt, crotch, and armpits itch.  You truly suck sir.
  • The idiot in charge of the interface for sharing usb drives within OSX.
  • The fuckhead who installed my desk 3 inches too low.  Shit.  That was me.
  • Sun Microsystems for that piece of shit application Open Office that sems to crash more often than it allows me to change a default font.
  • The grand idiot, Mark Steel, at for giving *me* of all people a damn account.  Pendejo.
  • Motley Crue for “Home Sweet Home”.

… And I only got to work an hour ago.  This is going to be the best day ever!

Happy New Year!


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