June 10th, 2013 at 5:16 pm by Mark
Tags: computers, ebay, irony, online, shopping
There are times I’m forced to resort to eBay when sourcing LCD screens for notebook computers. eBay can be a real mixed back, especially when you see something like this and the item description says, “As pictured.” I was very close to buying the item, but was afraid of receiving what was pictured rather than the screen I really needed…

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May 16th, 2010 at 7:00 pm by Mark
Tags: dailyshite, dating, economics, fat aussie barstard, humor, men, NSFW, online, video, women
If you’re offended, not to worry. He does explain Men towards the end. Not safe for work due to language. Also not safe for mixed crowds or longstanding, harmonious relationships.
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