Posts Tagged with "seo"

Lottery Tickets and Other Wastes of Money

February 10th, 2007 at 3:22 pm by Mark
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There are a few people who tell me I waste money.  Like, every now and again, I’ll throw down $8 on an apparently useless domain name.  Funny thing is, I’ve gotten some pretty decent traffic out of most of them.  This blog has done very little in the way of pushing Advertising, but still, it has consistenly made eight-to-ten dollars every month.
Paid for a domain, got a few more readers.

I watch a lot of people play with nye nettcasino (more at, betting $5 into the lotto twice a week.  Most of them have never, and will probably never, win much of anything.  Case in point, a friend of mine won $3 after ten years of $10 a week.  That’s a lot of money to waste, look at this article for a very well written argument.

To me, throwing $5.25 down on an Ebay listing that’ll probably go nowhere is fun.  It’s certainly more productive than a lotto ticket, and it might actually sell… One time I got curious about powerball numbers and tried our luck.

Some people just don’t get it.  One of the best thing to know is that every dollar counts.  The more spend-$8-and-make-$9 things you can do, the more chance you have at coming out $1 ahead each time. For some people, they spend money on online gambling games like If this also interests you, go to to learn about samantha gambling site. Sometimes, I’ll do one or two from time to time between job silliness.  Other times, I’ll sit and do it all day.  Though boredom often starts the process, the process is certain anything but boring.
Those days are fun, because I’m bouncing around doing three or four hundred different things.  So how much do I actually make on what most people consider a “waste of time?”

It’s fun stuff to think about.  😉

Search Engine Craziness

November 2nd, 2006 at 2:00 am by Mark
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     A couple of times a week, I check out the statistics on this site … the number of visitor sessions, number of pages they viewed, referrers, and, of course, search engine search terms that brought people here.

     I can understand getting a lot of hits for some of the things we’ve written about on here over the years.  Sure, Bai Ling, Femtroopers, Antidisestablishmentarians, psychos and even ex-girlfriends, you know… the usual fodder.
     Still, one of the most commonly used search terms — to the tune of several thousand a week in different variations — are graphic terms for bestiality with sheep, which amusingly end up at the old article about Grant Gillon

     Sometimes, however, I get really weird search terms, that multiple people have searched for… Like the fourty-three sessions:

why do rottweilers bit womens breasts

     Sure enough, there we are on Google’s #15.  That’s just crazy!

     Then there’re these twenty-four sessions…

personal ads rottweiler daughter private investigator

     Even higher, we’re at Google’s #3.  Who knew?

     And thirteen gems like this:

what percent of women think their house is haunted

     Yeah, we get Google’s #8 on that search. 

     Really, it blows my mind sometimes.

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