Posts Tagged with "sleep"

Spooning: Fun for Guys?

February 7th, 2014 at 9:10 pm by Mark
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Some things in a relationship are considered, “acceptable risk.” Spooning is one of them.

Spooning.  For Girls: Cute, warm and straight to sleep.  For Boys: Face full of hair, dead arm and an awkward boner.

What Do Cats Do?

June 25th, 2013 at 5:47 pm by Mark
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No cat I’ve ever owned has been this bad, but all of them have have delusions of Monarchy.

Cat: "What society thinks I do." "What my person thinks I do." "What my person's roommate thinks I do."  "What the dog thinks I do." "What I think I do." "What I actually do."

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Move Over, Herbal Essence…

June 22nd, 2010 at 7:00 pm by Mark
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Now there’s something for the guys. Although, there may be some unintended side-effects…


December 7th, 2008 at 11:08 am by Mark
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     It’s been widely noted that I do not sleep.  Like, at all.

     There aren’t too many times I’ve slept since June.

     But last night, I slept for a whole five hours…

     Then I fell back to sleep til 10AM.

     Waking up is funny… that’s when I’m the most groggy…

     And do stupid things like stick a straw in my coffee and take a big drink… *shakes head*

     But fortunately, I’m too groggy to notice that my tongue is scalded.

[Update: 9:13PM]

     I fell asleep again… woke up at 5:30PM soaking wet from sweat…

     A customer asked me to fix some stuff on his server, and I did it…

     But when it came time to add reverse DNS records, twelve of them, I couldn’t think about anything that came in twelves but Apostles…
     “How about Zodiac signs?”
     “Oh, man, and there I was, thinking, egg1, egg2, egg3, egg4… and that wouldn’t work…”

     Groggy, post-sleep, need sleep, more sleep…

     I’m gonna eat a pizza and go back to bed. 😉

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Travelocity Down!

May 13th, 2007 at 8:29 pm by Mark
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By: Me
Original Photo Credit: John Carleton
License: Click for info