Posts Tagged with "television"

French Media Sues Watchdogs

October 19th, 2006 at 3:27 am by Mark
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     One of Michelle Malkin’s articles from yesterday pointed me towards yet another media cluster-copulation, one which unfortunately went global.

     The situation is basically this… 30-Sep-2000, “supposed” footage was shot of an uprising against the Israeli police station at the Netzarim Junction in Gaza. This footage “supposedly” showed the death of an “innocent” twelve-year-old boy, Mohammed Al Durah, as he and his father were shot by Israeli soldiers.
     The incident, filmed by Palestinians equipped by France2 News, made global headlines, sparked global criticism of Israel and has been used extensively by terrorists — including bin Laden himself — to illustrate the “godless” Israelis and their “slaughter of innocents.”
     Unfortunately, when you see the entire set of footage, it’s obvious that this is far from what actually happened. In fact, the entire incident was staged, from beginning to end, by Palestinian cameramen and a cast of actors!

     In 2002, two French and German documentaries poked holes in France2’s story, sparking a great deal of interest from media watchdogs and critics. This resulted not in France2 take action against those in its staff responsible for the falsified story… instead, France2 decided to sue three of its strongest critics for “striking at their honor and respectability.”
     Fortunately, the first case against Philippe Karsenty (which began 14-Sep-2006) was dropped, but the next two cases are upcoming on 26-Oct-2006 and 30-Nov-2006.

     Richard Landes, a medieval history professor from Boston University (and witness for the defense in the case against Karsenty), wrote a very informative article for The New Republic chronicling the events. He’s also put up a website, The 2nd Draft, which features two documentaries about the original incident from 2000. His videos make some compelling arguments about what the public really knows about the Palestinian conflict, and may be extremely pertinent in many other situations.
     Check out his documentaries… They’re worth it. Real eye-openers!

     It’s simply amazing how a French news organization can single-handedly screw up so many things, create a Jihaadist martyr out of thin air — which, mind you, caused the deaths of thousands of people worldwide, including 9/11 — and somehow come out of it without so much as a slap on the wrist from their Government.  And for those same people to then have the guts to actually sue the people who point out their fallacy?
     Why … It’s enough to make me wanna eat Freedom Fries.

     In the meantime, this should be a wake-up call to Mainstream Mass-Media (MSM) and Journalists alike: do your damn jobs!

Aha! I Knew There Was a Reason I Loved YouTube!

October 14th, 2006 at 5:13 pm by Mark
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     I sincerely hope that YouTube’s content doesn’t suffer in the wake of the Google buyout.  Where else am I gonna find such gems?

     The Family Guy is a freakin’ brilliant show. That kind of stupid, slapstick comedy interspersed with hilarious, anti-politically-correct social commentary — along with its impeccably timed infusions of pop-culture — really strike a chord with me.
     Here’s a perfect for-instance: their spoof Aha’s “Take on Me” is one of my favorites.

     Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, idiots all over the world can record themselves and post it on the Internet for free. This, of course, means that Spoofs beget Spoofs.

    Of course, the college version is somewhat better quality…

     But the Anime version is definitely the best…

     All that aside … Another great Family Guy spoof was Peter Griffin’s spoof of M.C. Hammer’s “You Can’t Touch This.”  The implication “You Can’t Touch Peter” was amusing in itself.

     This one sparked a multitude of spoofs, mostly Anime.  This one — mixing Disney, Tron and the Kingdom Hearts 2 video game — hit a few funny nerves.

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Philips Shakes it Up with New Ad

August 25th, 2006 at 7:58 pm by Mark
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     Philips Consumer Electronics has a bit of a “stodgy” reputation in the United States.  The miniscule number of ads that Philips has done over the years hasn’t made any iota of difference to anyone.  They’ve had a tendency to leave advertising of their consumer products up to retail merchants, who usually announce the products at a substantial discount or clearance.

     This time, it looks like they got it right.  This is a brilliant ad.

     Unfortunately, it comes without Media fanfare.  Without advertising to actually draw people to the site.

     Maybe one day they’ll get it.

Uniting Pedophiles Everywhere

August 6th, 2006 at 12:37 am by Mark
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     Tonight, I’ve been watching “Van Wilder” on Comedy Central.

     Towards the end of the movie, there was a commercial for the Helio.  “Don’t call us a phone company.”  “Get all your MySpace content right on your device!”
     From their website:

Helio puts you + your friends (not rates and minutes) at the center of our business, because the most important thing a mobile service can do is better connect you to your friends.
We won’t nickel and dime you. Get All-In with our all inclusive membership and get access to MySpace, H.O.T. (Helio On Top), video, speedy 3G, and much, much more.

     Now, that’s all fine and good.  But their ad was *strategically* placed just prior to the Van Wilder scene:

We are now in session.  Mr. Wilder, you were found in violation of Article Section B of Coolidge’s bylaws — soliciting of alcohol to extreme minors…


     All you have to do is search Google

     Looks like a cool device, tho… But Helio should certainly play down the whole MySpace thing.  I mean, who needs that kinda class-action?

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I Hate Commercialism

June 21st, 2006 at 1:45 pm by Mark
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     Someone sent me a link to an Ebay auction a few minutes ago….

     It just made me think … Job pissing me off?  I press the “Easy” button.  “That was easy!” it says.
     A moment later, I realize, the job is still pissing me off.  I press the button again.
     “That was easy!”
     Sooner or later, after numerous attempts, the chiding sound of “That was easy” begins to piss me off as much as whatever job I’m doing.  Yet, I press it again.
     “That was easy!” it mocks.
     I destroy the button with a closed fist, only to find that its plastic innards are sharper than expected.  A trail of blood drips quickly down my forearm.

     But there’s good news….

     I just saved a ton of money by switching my Auto Insurance to Geico™.

     Now if I could only find an “ouchless” Band-Aid…