Posts Tagged with "tranny"

Milkshake Not Bringing Enough Boys to the Yard?

February 25th, 2014 at 7:34 pm by Mark
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Listening to the trials and tribulations of a friend of mine as she re-enters the dating scene has been nothing short of comical. The other day, she mentioned that her milkshake, “seems to bring ALL SIDES to the yard,” including, “a very sweet transgendered lady.”

My current theory is that she may have left the straw in the milkshake….

Milkshake Day 1: No boys yet.

Looking for a New Bike?

February 20th, 2014 at 5:05 pm by Mark
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It’s generally fairly easy for guys to pick out a bike. They pick the features they want, choose a color and make the purchase. For women, there are sometimes additional considerations…

Women! When choosing your new bike... Think about the colour of the seat! ;)

Stock Photos


February 22nd, 2012 at 5:27 pm by Mark
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The second, possibly larger “Priceless!” is the look on the straight guy’s face when he tries to take her home.