Posts Tagged with "women"

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Internet Dating (NSFW)

May 16th, 2010 at 7:00 pm by Mark
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If you’re offended, not to worry. He does explain Men towards the end. Not safe for work due to language. Also not safe for mixed crowds or longstanding, harmonious relationships.

Want to Spice Up Your Game?

March 31st, 2010 at 10:00 am by Mark
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Oh, no, not that kind of game. I meant your Xbox 360 game. Yes, a new service called GameCrush allows socially inept video game junkies to play Halo and Modern Warfare 2 with “hot chicks” for around $1 per minute.

It is worth noting, however, that the best way to actually meet “hot chicks” is to turn off the Xbox, put down the Hot Pockets™, leave the basement, get some fresh air . . . perhaps a tan . . . *cough*


Hottie of the Day: Meghan McCain

October 16th, 2009 at 11:37 pm by Mark
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     Former Senator and Presidential Hopeful John McCain’s 24-year-old daughter Meghan posted this photo on Twitter, with much rebuke.

Nice boo---err---book!

     Interestingly, if you look close enough, you can see a book called “Andy Warhol.”

     I’d only add the following disclaimer…


     Seriously, what the Hell is everyone bitching about?  I’ve seen more risque images on the Country Music Awards, for chrissakes, and nobody bitches about that… and she’s at least OF LEGAL AGE, unlike half the girls these friggin’ Internet pervs lust after (sick bastards should all be shot!).

     For further entertainment, check out her article about the whole sordid ordeal.

UPDATE 10/17/2009 @ 1:29AM US/EASTERN

     This just in from Fracas…

     Although, the video would have been funnier if he’d glammed it up a bit and cried

Tip: Kudos to Fracas for keeping me informed

Manspeak versus Womanspeak

October 15th, 2009 at 2:09 am by Mark
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     I’ve been observing a lot lately, as well.  Watching the wildlife flirt and shoot each other down like crazy.  But it seems more and more like Women have the upper hand since I was in the dating crowd… In fact, they’re as bad as I remember guys acting back in the 80’s.
     So, for all you guys out there thinking about getting back into the dating scene, here’s a translation guide of the Top 10 things Men Hear that Women Say When Dating.

10. Man hears, “We Need to talk.” Woman means, “I’m gonna talk. You’re gonna shut the fuck up.”

09. Man hears, “I don’t want to have sex.” Woman means, “I don’t want to have sex WITH YOU.”

08. Man hears, “I don’t want to fight.” Woman means, “I’m gonna hurt you, so if your balls mean anything, they better stay more than an arm’s length away.”

07. Man hears, “No, I’m not mad.” Woman means, “In fact, I’m absolutely seething and I’m going probably going to go Lorraina Bobbit on your ass, so don’t fall asleep.”

06. Man hears, “I don’t want any drama!” Woman means, “I *am* the drama!”

05. Man hears, “I’m very family oriented.” Woman means, “I’d *like* to be family oriented, but I hate my family. Can I have yours?”

04. Man hears, “I’m STD free.” Woman means, “Except for the oral herpes, which you’ll find out about in three months.”

03. Man hears, “I’m bi-curious.” Woman means, “I’m gonna fuck a woman whether you’re there or not, because you are male, and therefore SHIT!”

02. Man hears, “Can we just sit down and have a civil conversation?” Woman means, “You sit there and be civil while I berate and call you an asshole, especially if you ask any questions trying to understand the crazy shit coming out of my mouth!”

01. Man hears, “I love you.” Woman means, “OMG, you turn me on…! Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh my god, that was fucking incredible! Now get out…”

     Tongue in cheek. Come on, you know some of them were funny. Don’t hate me for my dry sense of humor. 😉

     And do keep in mind … results may vary.

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Monday Melee from Zacque

February 27th, 2008 at 11:36 pm by Zacque
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Monday MeleeTo find out how you too, can participate in The Monday Melee, please read the main Monday Melee page, grab The Monday Melee logo (and view the participant list too).

A step is a stumble forward prevented from becoming a fall by taking another step.

–Bart Green

1. The Magnificent: Name someone you absolutely adore, and tell us why.

     Well she knows who she is. (Sorry guys, this week you’re outta luck.)

2. The Muddy: Tell us something about life you just don’t “get”.

     Political B.S., Martha Stewart, Attorney’s fees, Bad drivers, Kentucky basketball, Tossed Salad, Unhappy campers, Boring girls, Intriguing girls, and Other people.

3. The Magnetic: Name something or someone good (or bad) you’re drawn to and you just can’t help it. Tell us if you want to change this or not.

     Money, I need it. It wants me to spend it. I can’t change that.

4. The Mainstay: Who or what is something you just can’t live without? Why?

     Love. It only takes one to light the whole world on fire.

5. The Masquerade: Tell us something about yourself we wouldn’t already know.

     I feel needed.

6. The Mettle: Tell us about a time you showed courage in yourself, or tell us what you wish you had the courage to do.

     I wish i could actually make a success of my business endeavors. It is an on going struggle but I may make it to move into something else.

Now it’s your turn.

You can take part in The Monday Melee, even make it a regular feature at your site by visiting The Monday Melee page and following the steps. Kick-start your brain on Mondays and meet other bloggers.

1. Fracas – creator of The Monday Melee | 2. Kate | 3. Rootietoot | 4. Dive | 5. Robyn | 6. Dear Prudence | 7. Lynn | 8. Iced Mocha | 9. Joey | 10. JerseyChick | 11. Tracey | 12. Vic | 13. Gaijin Girl | 14. LindaC | 15. Amber | 16. Krishanna | 17. Ma Titwonky | 18. sauer kraut | 19. kimberleyanne | 20. Ealasaid | 21. Cat | 22. lucy lemon | 23. hazel8500 | 24. Miz Minka’s Musings | 25. Gabrielle | 26. buttercup | 27. Marianne | 28. j u g g l i n g c a t s | 29. Sky Windows | 30. Vyxyn | 31. Mark – Blogitude | 32. Tendrils’ Ink | 33. Now Write, Right Now | 34. flowerchild | 35. ladycalliah | 36. Creation Junction | 37. A Blog of 2 Witches | 38. Meowminx | 39. The College Critic | 40. Winged Musings | 41. Missy Sue Hanson | 42. The Kat House | 43. Holocaust Labs | 44. no school, just learning | 45. Carrying Contraption | 46. Let Them Eat Cake | 47. Zacque – Blogitude | 48. Diva – Blogitude | 49. Modified at Random | 50. Jewel – Blogitude | 51. Get AMPed | 52. INDIEchouette | 53. Perky’s Perspective | 54. The Jaded Lotus | 55. Maiylah’s Snippets | 56. The Painted Veil | 57. Incurable Insomniac | 58. DivaThoughts | 59. Twenty Something And A Little Nutty | 60. PajamaMom | 61. Livin’ Life SandyStyl | 62. So This Is Growing Up |63. GirlieGeek | 64. Diary of a 70s Teen