Archive for July, 2007

Speaking of Dorks…

July 26th, 2007 at 10:27 am by Mark
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     Yeah, even though I’ve always enjoyed Star Wars, I’ve always been amazed at how far some people would take their fandom.  And this movie looks bloody hilarious:

     “Captain Picard is not gay … he’s BRITISH!”

     [ Mark tries desperately to bite his tongue … and succeeds 😉 ]

     Maybe it’s just me … but the whole Star Wars vs. Star Trek rivalry is completely laughable … 😉

Crap, I Thought I Was Cooler Than That

July 26th, 2007 at 9:01 am by Mark
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     Ok, Brahnamin took it, so I decided to give it a go, even though I know as much about Harry Potter as Perry Caravello knows about keeping his junk outta places it doesn’t belong… Hrm…
     But I certainly don’t remember being the dorky kid with glasses…

Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!

     Although, strangely…  the description kinda fits…  And I am told I have amazing, natural talent with my magic wand…

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Bad Driving aka “Let’s Piss People Off Again”

July 25th, 2007 at 5:03 pm by Mark
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     I’ve talked a couple of times about our local Knoxville culture getting screwed up by a bunch of asshats moving here and trying to rebuild it in their own image … From basic skills of “being intentionally rude and uncaring” to “being a good neighbors.”
     When I say that they don’t know how to be “good neighbors,”  it’s not about the people next door who keep to themselves— it’s about having a sense of community and civic responsibility.  East Tennessee’s had that until recent years.

     In this area, people drive pretty well, whereas in my travels, I’ve often complained about the way people drive.
     Here, they’re slightly aggressive, and mostly polite.  They tend to pay attention, and allow people their space.  They don’t try and run you down when you’re coming on an interstate entrance ramp.  They don’t stop in the middle of the road for no reason.  The light is green, they go.  The light is red, they stop.  They don’t pull out in front of people for no reason.  And they pretty much obey the traffic laws.
     But people who move here?  Yeah, not so much…

     Cathy, over at Domestic Psychology, got on the same train of thought

This week, I pulled up to the white line behind which you are expected to stop at a red light. I came to a stop and looked closely at the car beside me which crossed all four tires across the line before stopping. When the light turned green, I looked at the beyond the line driver’s plates and saw that they were Indiana plates. I was letting the information slide to the back of my mind as I pulled to another red light and another car did the exact same thing. This time I was far enough back to see that the eager driver had Illinois plates. Twice in 5 minutes on Kingston Pike, a very heavily trafficked street I saw cars doing what I consider against the law and both times they had out of town plates. So, I thought about this the rest of the way to my destination. Number one thought was that I was getting tired of catching every single red light. Number two thought was that maybe other states don’t have lines at intersections like Tennessee does. My third thought was that there must be something wrong with drivers in states that start with the letter “I”. Number four thought, which I seriously considered the longest, was that Tennessee drivers are just more considerate and law abiding drivers.

     Due to my comments about that, which Cathy chose to include on her blog entry … I will now list the “Women Can’t Drive” States:

  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Both Dakotas
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota

     It could be because of the whole “We have farms!  Be a housewife!” thing, and many women are worried about driving after being stigmatized for years.  It could also be because of a lack of Driver’s Education in those states (which is amusing considering that Michigan actually produces quite a few automobiles).  It could also be because city-type areas are much further away from each other “up north” than they are in the East Tennessee area, and people don’t know what the Hell to do when they keep seeing red light after red light, entrance ramp after entrance ramp, car after car… By the way, if you don’t have enough knowledge about driving, you are prone to accident. Good thing, you can lean on Sacramento, CA Car Accident Lawyers for they are dedicated in solving every accident cases no matter what the situation is.      Strangely, these are also the “Driving Without a License” States…

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

July 24th, 2007 at 3:54 pm by Diva
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pict0796.jpgIn the 6th century, Pope Gregory the Great named the seven deadly as follows: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Vengeance, Envy, and Pride. 

Lust, as defined at, is an intense sexual desire or appetite, or an uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or craving. 

I’m human.   I am admittedly full of lustful thoughts.  I can’t help it.  God made me a catty creature. If I see somebody totally hot, male or female, I automatically think about how hot they are and become somewhat fervent. 

Adultery? Cheating?  Same thing… all of it, lumped into lust.

I’m not saying I’d go out and have an affair or wicked one-night-stand with any hottie individual that came my way, no, at least not any more.  What I am saying is that due to unsatisfying situations in my past, I have indulged in certain extra-curricular activities and enjoyed them immensely. 

As a human creature, one has desires that might not be quenched without lust coming into play.  Simply spelled out, if you’re not getting what you want and need at home, you’re going to go out and find it. 

img_4625.jpgPeople can deny their corrupt human nature all they want.  But it’s there inside all of us.  It just depends on if one has the overwhelming urge to act on it. 

Look at our politicians.  Look at our Holy leaders.  They all claim to be best friends with Jesus, then turn around and condemn one another shaking hands with the devil.  As it turns out they are all just as guilty as the other.  Come on, kids. 

Brother Newt Fast Willie and Monica did the deed.  (Well kind of).  Jimmy Swaggart was banging a prostitute while he condemned Jim Baker, who was having an affair behind his wife’s back.

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to embrace my human nature for what it is. 


Somebody pinched my ass… No wait… It was Fracas Tagging Me.

July 17th, 2007 at 1:42 pm by Diva
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Tagged by fracas


INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

1. It’s A Blog Eat Blog World
2. More Random Than Average
3. Bluepaintred
4. Fracas
5. Diva (

NEXT select five people to tag:

(Since I really don’t know anyone at all and nobody really knows me, I guess it doesn’t really matter who I piss off now does it? Let’s play tag, shall we?  *wink*)

1. RealityMe
2. Mark – my pal.  I owe him big.
3. Journey from Grr to There
4. My other blog is a Porche
5. Sugar Queen’s Dream

THEN answer the following Questions:

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Everything I could possibly do to survive a gnarley divorce from a man who had no clue, with 2 young children to support.   

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Graduating from college (yay me!).
Met the man of my dreams (just didn’t realize right then)
Singing karaoke every Wednesday and Friday night at CatScratch Janes.

Five snacks you enjoy:
(yah, I’m a picture of health over here)
Jalapeno Poppers
Onion Rings
Hawaiian Sweet Onion Kettle Chips by Snyder (GRUB!)
Hot Pepper Beef Jerky

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
I Try – Macy Gray
Dreams – Fleetwood Mac
At Last – Etta James
That’s How I Got To Memphis – Darryl Dodd
Say It Right – Nelly Furtado

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Find a nice big ass house on the lake with plenty of land
New cars for the whole bunch of hoodlums that I claim as family
College fund for Amanda, Tyler and Natalie (I keep hoping she’ll go back)
Clothes, clothes and shoes to match the clothes
Lipo and boob job

Five bad habits:
Cuss like a sailor
Drink like a fish
Smoke like a freight train
Lay out of the gym to go to the bar
Not being clear enough sometimes

Five things you like doing:
Sleeping in the same bed with my man
Drinking cold beer and laughing at stupid stuff with friends
Singing karaoke (go me!)
Making out
Learning guitar

Five things you would never wear again:
Jelly shoes (those icky plastic things.. eww)
Parchute pants
Goofy short shorts we used to wear to the roller-rink
Leg warmers
Head bands

Five favorite toys:
Karaoke machine
Hot pink guitar that I’m finally learning to play
Shot glass collection
Scrapbook junk