Archive for June, 2014

Grammar is Sexy

June 27th, 2014 at 5:23 pm by Cassie
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Please note that the revised version does not include periods or colons.

Comma Sutra

“Look, It’s Not What You Think”

June 26th, 2014 at 5:53 pm by Chered
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Some bitches be trippin’ if they’re not the center of attention…

Saw You Petting the Neighbor's Dog. Want to Tell Me What That's All About?

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Washington Redskins Name Found Offensive

June 20th, 2014 at 5:18 pm by Mark
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The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark, effective 18-Jun-2014 because US trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups. This doesn’t necessarily require the Redskins to change their name as of yet, but will certainly add fuel to the fire for the entire [ridiculous] debate.

Breaking News: Washington Redskins drop the word "Washington" from their name because it's embarrassing.

Too Many Lincolns

June 14th, 2014 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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I can only channel the old Dr. Pepper commercial and say, “Wouldn’t you like to be a Lincoln, too?”

Facebook: "The new Lincoln Continential has got to be the best looking classic car that's being brought back. Suicide doors and everything!"  Reply: Stick-car, "I'm a Lincoln."  Reply: President Lincoln.  Reply: Andrew Lincoln from the Walking Dead.

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