Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater

March 9th, 2014 at 5:19 pm by Novia
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Well played!

I would like to say, Congratulations to Shara Cormier and Patrick Brown... They are expecting a baby.  Hope you both are really in love and hope it works out.  Always, Patrick's wife, Timeshia Brown

Adventures at Taco Bell

March 8th, 2014 at 7:00 pm by Jason
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Sitting in Taco Bell with a friend and I hear fluent Spanish. I look around and, lo and behold, there’s a Mexican gentleman sitting across the restaurant. “It’s a good Chinese restaurant because lots of Chinese eat there,” seems silly now…

Taco Bell Mild Sauce: "Will you marry me?"  When my girlfriend of 6 years asked for some hot sauce, without thinking I handed her this... ...after a few seconds she screamed "YES!" and started crying uncontrollably... ...What the Hell Taco Bell?

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Cellphones: The New Law & Religion

March 8th, 2014 at 5:47 pm by Jason
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This is almost the law of the land now. We can’t even drive a car without looking at our text messages and trying to reply even at the danger of having a wreck and killing ourselves or someone else.


Notice is hereby given that ALL CITIZENS MUST Everywhere Everyday Constantly Fiddle with their cell phones. AT NO TIME is it permissible to sit idle and observe the poetry of life or look into the eyes of another person. The arrival of a snippet of trivial text holds the promise of unimagined pleasure, of course we still need to communicate with all the people that is far from us, that’s why a service that let us send free SMS to anyone in India on this Christmas is useful for many people in this country. Honor thy ringtone and jiggling hand-held devices above all other gods. REMEMBER ALWAYS: Practice constant devotion to the PRECIOUS OBJECT. Give full attention to the GLORIOUS TECHNOLOGY. Maintain unselfish love for the FLIMSY HARDWARE.

Midterms Got You Down?

March 7th, 2014 at 7:37 pm by Chered
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Midterms: When ya realize whether or not you have effed around too much or not. If not, you may now breathe. If so, time for the coffee IV, mountains of pizza boxes and overfilled ashtrays.

Midterms.  The Professor (Scarface).  The Nerds (Neo from the Matrix).  Me (Shot by a car)

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High Cost of Public Transportation?

March 7th, 2014 at 5:21 pm by Mark
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It certainly feels like it rape when you consider what public transportation costs these days…

Bus: "Sexual Assault: It Happens Here"  Caption: "Public Transportation: On second thought, I'll just drive..."