Posts Tagged with "apple"

Bottle/Can Opener for Your iPhone

June 29th, 2012 at 1:54 pm by Michelle
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The Intoxicase is expensive at $32 or more depending on your iPhone and options. If you really wanna break your iPhone’s screen that badly, Be A Headcase is more cost effective and available both for the iPhone 3 and iPhone 4. And, if you’re truly that iStupid, you’ll probably want this as well

One Crazy Pussy

January 29th, 2012 at 3:37 pm by Mark
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Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!

Macs… Computer Compensation

August 26th, 2011 at 2:36 am by Zacque
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Mac Compensation

Proof that a company with an inferior product can’t get by on selling you their idea of how you should live, work, and play.  Now they project their own inferiority on you as well.  Just wait I bet it won’t only be the power adapter.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and be sure to look at more info or ask for search engine optimization.

Thinking Different– Apple’s New Ideas

March 3rd, 2010 at 12:26 pm by Zacque
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     I find it very interesting that Apple is re-tuning some of their practices only after a Chinese employee commits suicide.  The suicide came about after the individual had been scrutinized and harassed by security personnel over a missing iPhone prototype.  Shortly after Apple released a statement saying all employees and contractors “must be treated with dignity and respect.”  Is this really true personification the idea “Think different,” that founder Steve Jobs promotes in the advertisements his company is so well known for? 

     The article from the Associated Press, mentions seventeen different violations including three where workers were hired underage,  eight infractions wherein workers paying “recruitment” fees were above the legal limits in those countries; three cases in which suppliers used non-certified vendors to dispose of hazardous waste; and three others where the companies gave falsified records during the audits.

     You might guess that now “Think Different” may take on some new connotations,  in my case it is yet another shade in the smorgasbord of issues with Apple products.

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Apple’s iEvolution?

February 1st, 2010 at 6:52 pm by Mark
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     Is it just me, or does Steve Jobs look like a younger, just as arrogant, Grand Moff Tarkin? I can totally see Apple releasing their fully operational battle station… and his famous last words, “Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?” only moments before a spec of dust manages to…

     Nevermind… I’m just sayin’…