Don’t Wanna Eat That…
March 3rd, 2015 at 5:16 pm by MarkTags: anus, ass, canada, jalapenos, mcdonalds
Jalapenos can make most anything better, but I’m not sure what Canadians are thinking these days…
Jalapenos can make most anything better, but I’m not sure what Canadians are thinking these days…
Whether you’re a boob-man or an ass-man, you’ll be shocked by this recent study.
It’s a common fact that Roaches like dark places and run from the light, so I’m unsure if this means that there’s light in her underwear, or if she’s pretty sure her ass will never the light of day. Regardless… The last thing anyone wants to see when “unwrapping a present” is — bugs. *shudder!*
Most of us have seen this type of Video Game before, especially the nostalgic incarnation where you shoot a monkey out of a cannon and attempt to get the best distance while arching through the air and bouncing back from the ground. However, this version, available now for a mere 240 points on Xbox Live Marketplace, uses your very own Xbox Live avatar, features stunning graphic imagery of an African svelte and includes the very real chance that your avatar may end up shoulders deep in an elephant’s ass!