Posts Tagged with "english"

How Often do Canadians Say Sorry?

August 8th, 2012 at 9:01 pm by Mark
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Considering they use the word, “sorry,” interchangeably with “excuse me?” it comes as no surprise:

Source: @stats_canada via Twitter.

Chinese WTF Products

July 23rd, 2012 at 12:38 pm by Michelle
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I know all of these words, but have no idea what this product is…

Stock Photos

Grandma’s Hairy Beaver

May 30th, 2012 at 5:51 pm by Mark
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Could have been worse…

…Grandma could’ve called you out for your spelling.

The Trouble with Tattoos

May 25th, 2012 at 5:08 pm by Mark
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Several years ago, I posted a photo of a Japanese man that went viral — he was wearing a white t-shirt with a single word on it: “BITCH.” He loved the idea of English, and bought the shirt because it had English written on it, but didn’t understand what the word meant.

The same goes for Tattoos. So often, Americans will mark themselves with any number of Asian languages, claiming to know its origins and meanings. The trouble with Chinese, especially, is that the words carry an entirely different meaning when taken out of context.

I guess what I’m saying is … You can make a perfect ass of yourself with a tattoo in English, so why bother getting something offensive in a different language?

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Sarcasm & Irony As Illustrated by Grammar & Spelling

May 15th, 2012 at 5:17 pm by Mark
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There is a subtle difference between sarcasm and irony.

Sarcasm: That sure is a nice question mark, Grammar Nazi #2.

Irony: Why did they misspell, “Congratulations?”

Any questions?